5 Points To Take Into Account When Moving Your Child From A Public School And Into A Home School
If you find that your child is struggling in a public school and is becoming more downcast as time goes by then home schooling may be an option which you should look at. However, be prepared for a transition period after removing the child from the public school system before diving into 'full-time' home schooling.
If your child is currently in public school then you must begin by determining your state's home schooling laws. Ensure that you are able to comply with all of your state's requirements before you take any action. Once you are happy that you can meet all of the requirements of the state you should contact your child's school and inform them that you are removing. If you do not formally remove your child then this may lead to truancy issues in the future. You should also be ready for them to ask questions and possibly to resist your action.
The process for the withdrawal of your child will depend on where you live however it will frequently mean simply writing a letter to the superintendent of schools. You will need to state that you have elected to home school your child. You will also have to provide proof that you are adhering to the laws of the state and are legally allowed to remove your child from school. If you can quote sections of the state regulations in your letter then this will help to show that you are familiar with the law and with your rights to home school your child.
After you have dealt with the formalities you will then need to think about the following:
1. Your child is no longer a prisoner of the rules of the public school system and will need to be permitted some time to get used to the change. As a result, you should not rush into schooling but should let your child have a bit of time to adjust to this new lifestyle.
2. Permit yourselves a little time to get to know one another. You might think that you know your child however it is quite possible that you do not know him at all. You may discover that there are areas of your child's character which you never knew existed and he could also discover a few new things about you too.
3. You might notice that your child continues to do a few things which he has become accustomed to doing at school. A few new home school children will raise their hand when they want to ask a question or when they have to use the restroom. It might take a little time but those school habits will eventually disappear.
4. Try to hang on to some of the better habits which he has acquired. If, for instance, your child is in the habit of having spelling tests on a particular day then add this into your home schooling schedule. If you permit him to stop doing all of the things he has grown used to in public school then you might end up with more problems than you solve.
5. Take the time to enjoy the process of home schooling with your child. Electing to home school is of course primarily for the student however it should also be enjoyable for you. Try not to take yourself too seriously and cut yourself some slack and have fun. Perhaps most important of all do not forget why you decided to home school and enjoy the freedom which home schooling affords.
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