Catholic Home School

Many Catholic parents are uncomfortable with the current school education system. Besides the approach to various subjects with may be contrary to their religious beliefs, many parents feel that the actual importance of religion in life is undervalued. This may even happen at Catholic school where the pressure to produce academic results often forces religious teaching to take second place. One option that parents with these misgiving have before them is the Catholic home school.

Besides the other acknowledged benefits of home school - no long bus rides, learning at the child's own pace, focus on areas that parents deem important keeping the child's life goals in mind, Catholic hole school provides 3 more - the opportunity to teach religious values as desired by the parents, keeping their children away from subjects like sex education and birth control and protecting them from undesirable external influences.

There are e few things to keep in mind when setting up a Catholic home school:

· There are a variety of Catholic home school curricula available. Research them and find one that suits your family. Some are accredited programs that require the students to submit their work regularly and receives grades along with regular report cards and progress reports. These are usually structured around an academic year and require the student to stick to a daily schedule of study. The other option is where lesson plans and course material is provided and it is left to the parents to teach the children at their own pace and their own times. These allow the parents flexibility in their teaching procedure but keep challenging the students. This type of Catholic home school program is better for parents who want to design their own religious teachings with their own focus.

· Once you have shortlisted a few options, contact them for more information - most will have catalogs and information packs available for sale. This is money well spent as it will help you refine your choice.

· Visit home school fairs if possible and spend time with the Catholic Home School representatives. Do not hesitate to ask as many questions as you want. Your child's education is not something you can take lightly.

· There are consultancy services available that will help you to choose the right kind of Catholic home school for your children.

· If you want, you can even design your own Catholic home school curriculum. There are books and other resources available on the internet that will help you in doing this. A word of caution - please check your state home schooling laws to ensure that whatever you do in compatible with them.

A Catholic home school will also protect your children from peer and other external influences to indulge in sex, drugs, alcohol and other vices or inappropriate behavior. While this is one of the main reasons for parents deciding to go in for a Catholic home school, care should be taken to ensure that the children are also given enough opportunity to socialize with others of their age group. Parents often tend to over look that fact that later on in life the children will be exposed to much that is negative in life. While a Catholic home school will give them the fundamental to withstand this pressure, it should not come as a sudden assault on their sensibilities. A gradual conditioning to external influences, both positive and negative, it the best solution for children educated in a Catholic home school.

Home Schooling - Fad, Fringe or Favored Choice?

Is home schooling a dangerous fad that damages the educational system? Is it a goofy educational choice practiced by the religious fringe? Or is home schooling a proven, time-tested method for producing brilliant and morally centered citizens?

Some people view home schooling with suspicion. It seems to deviate from the standard model of education that almost everyone views as proven and successful, and with which everyone is comfortable. Where do you stand? Are you sure about your position?

You may find this hard to believe, but home schooling actually existed before traditional schools and has a long record of effectiveness. If fact, given the many benefits of home schooling, the forces that created today's public education classroom actually had very little to do with educational benefits.

History is squarely on the side of home schooling. Some of history's most significant and influential figures were home schooled. Who knows if maybe their prominence and success were actually linked to the benefits of home schooling? Critics of home schooling find it difficult to believe that standard, classroom-based instruction isn't the best way to learn. The fact is that history's greatest thinkers have often given credit for their brilliance to their individualized education at home.

The good news is that the benefits of home schooling remain to this day. Technology has advanced and society has evolved, but there are still many significant benefits of home schooling.

For example, the environment at home provides an excellent learning situation. Think about it. There are fewer distractions than the typical classroom. The home teacher often has fewer administrative chores and procedures--like taking attendance--that can take away instructional time and reduce focus on the students. One of the major benefits of home schooling is that much lower student-teacher ratios allow for more individualized attention and instruction.

A focused learning environment means that students will be more engaged; that is, listening and responding to the teacher. There are fewer distractions, fewer alternatives for attention, and the attention of the teacher encourages the student to respond in kind.

Another common benefit of home schooling is that kids emerge from the experience with higher maturity levels. They've spent less time immersed in the culture of their peers, and more time interacting with all age levels, including adults.

Students who spend their educational years in private or public schools will learn most of their ideas and values from their same-age peers. They may be lucky enough to pick up some good values, but it's certainly not guaranteed. Is successful learning admired by your child's friends? Is good behavior praised? Do you really want to leave your child's emotional and moral development to the notions of his peers?

The style of home schooling is much more likely to result in the communication of desired values. Home-schooled children are more likely to view the world from a mature perspective. Benefits of home schooling include enabling your children to assess the choices of society against a standard, and not be held hostage to the whims of a group.

The continued existence and growing credibility of home schooling are directly related to the many home schooling benefits. It's unfortunate that home schooling lost some of its relevance in recent decades. However, the results produced by home schooling should ensure its place in our educational system far into the future.

Details For Domestic Or Home Schooling Program

Domestic schooling puts up with the safest way of education for teaching the children. Unlike the other standard set up of private and public schools, this method is done at home by a tutor but usually by parents. This is the most sensible option for the parents that wants their children to have a good and quality schooling. This is the priceless education for those families who cannot manage to pay in a standard school. In a standard knowledge, home schooling is another option of an industrialized nation to have a proper learning.

This stands for the official and legal choice to other countries in providing their children with an environmental knowledge as a replacement for public schools. Home schooling is another option to a family who lives in secluded areas. This could also be concerned in coaching at home with the command of the umbrella schools. In other cities, they have the typical permit necessary for the children to learn trough a home schooling program.

Studying with domestic learning can vary from an individual towards another person because the modern phases of education differs to a standard set up of classroom and doesn't have a flat plan of time for classes. Parents can also easily arrange their time so they can grant the wishes of their children. The parents only need to purchase the exact home schooling prospectus which they consider as the great way to have a home schooled program. They can teach their children by their own freewheel.

With this program of learning, parents can be able to obtain the finest teaching with their children even without suffering from any expenses needed in sending their child to a public school.

Home education has many potential and currently known of being an authorized learning organization mostly at the country in the US, even tough every country owns a group of regulations regarding in what manner does a home education must be accomplished. Still other person interrogates the effectiveness as well as the consistency of home education. Some people wonder if the children are capable to learn at this kind of schooling. But many people stated that the relationship of child and the parent is the appropriate helpful device for a person to be a knowledgeable because the children are not worried and does not feel any tensed because they are being comfortable with their educator. Moreover embarrassment is diminished. The standard information showed that a learner from home schooling is capable with regards in achieving a better future for their college.

At this point, studying is complete, averagely instructed and gradually collaborative since having a standard curriculum is presently guiding home schooling. To have the knowledge about home schooling in your place, inquire the government laws at your country about this. And simply keep on your mind that the importance of education program is wealthier if you and your children are intact.

Where and How Do I Get Home School Textbooks?

Home schooling is one of the most rapidly growing fields of education. Today more and more parents are choosing to pull their children out of public education and either home school them on their own or through a home school organization. It is estimated that there are roughly 3 million children currently being home schooled through out the country. While everyone's reason for choosing to home school their children are a little different and unique parents are finding they have more control over what is taught and how progress is made towards learning.

One of the big challenges if you decide to home school your child is getting enough material and textbooks. This can be a strain on the family budget and many parents will want to save money on materials and textbooks as much as possible. Yet you also want to make sure you are providing the most current materials for the child to learn from also. However because home schooling has become such a popular option for parents there are many resources that are now developing to help you get the materials needed while also saving money.

This article will give a few options for finding textbooks and materials that you can use to teach and learn from.

Pre-packaged Curriculum

One viable option for home school students is to purchase a textbook or curriculum that is specifically designed for home school situations. These can easily be found on the internet or from home school resource catalogues etc. The nice benefit that these pre packaged programs have is they often come with a wide variety of materials and are simple and easy to follow the program. Often you can also find other students in your local area that are studying the same units and then combine with them for field trips etc. In fact there are many wonderful home school organizations that can assist in getting textbooks and curriculum resources.

Local Libraries

Often if you live in any large sized city or even in many rural areas today the city library is a great source of information for your home schooled child. The best option about using a library is the materials are free to check out and this can be a real savings in money.

Home School Lending Libraries

Another resource that is available to many who are choosing to home school their children are home school libraries. This of course will take a little bit of research on the parent's part. However if you can get connected with a home school organization or group they will often have a library of their own. This will allow you to check out books for a much longer period of time and also get great recommendations on textbooks that are helpful.

Online Resources

The other option today is to find resources online. There are many different sources online that enable one to quickly and easily purchase used and brand new textbooks and other resources for very inexpensive prices.

Most parents end up not choosing just one option but as they educate their child they use all of the above options to easily get the resources they need. It is important to provide the necessary resources for any child that is working hard to learn. Finding the best textbooks and other resources is a vital responsibility for a home schooling parent. You will want to find high quality materials that the child is interested in.

Home Schooling In Florida - Guide to Florida Home School Requirements

Are you thinking of home schooling your child or children in Florida? Wondering what the requirements are and how to get started? It's really not as scary as you may think. Florida is actually a pretty easy state to begin home schooling in.

Home education, as defined by Florida law, is "sequentially progressive instruction of a student directed by his or her parent or guardian in order to satisfy the requirements of Statute 1003.21 and 1002.41." Florida's home schooling law is broad giving parents almost unending freedom in educating their children.

Basically there are six requirements that must be met to Florida home school.

1. Notify the District School Superintendent in your county of your intention to home school. The notice of intent must be filed with the superintendent's office within 30 days of beginning your home school program.

Currently there is no "official form" that is used to supply notice but your written (or typed) letter of intent should include at the bare minimum the following information; Name of child (or children), Birthday of each child named, Address and a Parent's Signature. It is recommended that you send your letter of intent via certified or priority mail and file the receipt as proof in your child's portfolio.

2. Maintain a portfolio of records. While there is no proper or "official" way to record your child's home schooling progress you must maintain a portfolio of records. The portfolio must consist of two main parts; Documented Records and Sample Materials. Documented Records is defined as "A log of educational activities which is made contemporaneously (the documentation should occur at the same time as the instruction) with the instruction and which designates by title any reading materials used."

Florida home schooling law does not require lessons to be planned or approved in advance. Sample Materials is defined as "Samples of any writings, worksheets, workbooks or creative materials used or developed by the student." Showcasing your child's "sample materials" can be accomplished in various ways. Keep in mind that whichever method you adopt to showcase your sample materials they need to be organized in chronological order for ease in showing educational progress. More elaboration on this topic in the future... hopefully.

3. Keep your portfolio organized and available. Florida home schooling law requires you to make your portfolio "available for inspection by the superintendent or the superintendent's agent, upon 15 days' written notice." The last thing you will want to do is be scrambling around trying to remember what you did when for the last 3 months and what was the name of those books you read again.... The inspection is only to make sure that the portfolio is legal; the superintendent cannot evaluate its contents.

4. Submit your Annual Evaluation. The law requires an annual education evaluation by a Florida-certified teacher of your choosing. You are required to have your child or children tested annually and submit the evaluation to the superintendent's office no later than one year from your letter of intent date.

Alternatives to having an evaluation performed include; any nationally normed student achievement test administered by a certified teacher, a state student assessment test, a psychological evaluation or any other method mutually agreed upon by the parent and the superintendent.

5. Hang on to those Portfolios, your going to need them. Florida home schooling law dictates that "The portfolio shall be preserved by the parent for two years." Enough said.

6. Submit your Notice of Termination. If you decide to no longer home educate under 1002.41, move from the county, enroll your child in a public or private institution or if your child graduates or completes the Florida home school program you must file a letter of termination with the superintendent. The notice of termination should include the same information as the letter of intent and should be filed within 30 days of the date or termination.

7. Relax. Okay I know we said there were only six requirements but this one is worth mentioning. As long as there have been parents and children, "home schooling" has been happening. Today an estimated 1.6-2.0 million children are being taught at home by their parents. By grade 8, the average home school student performs four grade levels above the national average.

Research has found that most homeschooled students are involved in a wide variety of outside activities, interact with a broad spectrum of people, and make positive contributions to their communities. Experience has shown that homeschoolers are well socialized and able to make lasting friendships across age and cultural divides.

Painless right? We promised it wasn't that bad and now that you have all of your legal bases covered you can concentrate on enjoying the home schooling experience and enriching the lives of your children through learning. Now all that's left is to decide on a curriculum... Decisions... Decisions...

The Good and Bad of Home Schooling

As is the case with just about anything in life, with the good also comes the bad, and while the benefits of home schooling definitely outweigh the negatives, there are certainly two sides to every story.

Here are both ends of the spectrum, both the good and the bad sides, so you can make an informed decision that will be best for your precious child and your household.

The Good Side of Home Schooling

School can often be a rather stressful place for children, which doesn't exactly allow for an environment that's conducive to learning. If a child is having trouble with bullies or similar stressful occurrences and other solutions have been exhausted, home schooling may be an option to definitely consider. And, stress rears its ugly head in other forms for teens and school aged children who have homework and negative influences from their peers to also deal with on a regular basis.

Beyond the safety, security, and having an environment that facilitates learning, it also creates the opportunity to learn not only better, but faster than their traditionally schooled peers. It is certainly not unheard of for a child to complete four years of high school in only two or three years, allowing them to continue on to higher education classes much sooner. And missing a class because of injuries or illness won't ever be an issue, nor will trying to get any of the work missed or worrying about making up tests.

Children who are home schooled are able to move past the constraints of the public school system, and its curriculum, by studying a diverse number of subjects and topics. In addition to the usual language arts, math, history, geography, and science, these children can also be taught the languages of their choosing, or explore electives like dance, music, or drama, for a few examples.

The Bad Side of Home Schooling

Home schooling your children will, obviously, require that at least one parent be there full time to teach and be completely involved in their child's education. Because of this, two income families may find it to be a bit difficult to manage.

It requires many things, but one of the most vital is patience. Having plenty of patience will be extremely important throughout your home schooling endeavors. It takes careful planning and consideration as well as the motivation to persevere, and remember that sacrificing your personal time will also be necessary. Even children who are independent learners need monitoring, structure, and guidance to succeed.

Socialization is another down side of home schooling not that it isn't possible, but rather it must be actively pursued. Parents can use group settings, sporting activities, and be creative in their home schooling endeavors in order to introduce children to people of all walks of life.

When it comes to home schooling your children, the hands-on approach is definitely recommended. If you aren't willing to give one hundred percent effort toward your child's education, then it may not be the best choice for them right now.

Creating Home Schooling Courses and Documentation Adequate For High School Credits

I am the father of four home school high school graduates and one public school graduate. We educated four of our children at home for twenty years. I have been a part of organizing home school support groups and worked for a home school high school organization that reviewed portfolios, granted credits, issued transcripts, and awarded diplomas.

Home Schooling for high school requires an extra level of detail, work, and documentation above the lower grades. In home education course credits can be earned in different ways. (a) Using a high school textbook, covering all of the lessons, doing all of the work, taking all of the tests, and having everything graded. (b) Designing and creating a course can be accomplished by putting together all of the materials, planning all of the lessons, having the student put in enough time, study, and work, and grading everything. (c) Home schooling can also utilize activities, jobs, and participation in organizations like 4-H to use for organizing courses for high school credit. (d) Some states, like Florida, allow home schooling students to attend individual classes at public schools. (e) Upper level home school students can also participate in dual-enrollment at the local community college for some high school courses and credits. (f) There are also online courses that can be used for high school credit. (g) Students moving over to home education after already having complete some public or private school credits can utilize each one of them as transferred credits.

Careful record keeping is essential for each course. A portfolio needs to include a detailed course description, a recorded log/lesson plan of course activities, a log of the number of hours invested for a full, one year credit or a half-credit, a course work portfolio, a breakdown of grades, and a final course grade. For the best certification a "Portfolio Review" needs to be done by a certified teacher that is certified in the state where you want credit.

In upcoming articles I will go into more details about each of the course types and how to properly put them together.

With Our Children in Mind, J. F. Hunt

Do You Need Home School Diploma Templates?

Are you looking for home school diploma templates? Well, you are doing the right thing by wanting to present your child with a diploma to recognize their achievement. This is an often overlooked but crucial part of the home school education process.

Use A Word Processor

The the least expensive way to make a diploma and also exercise your creativity is to use your favorite word processor. Start by choosing the landscape mode. Most word processors have dozens of fonts to choose from. Choose a font that reflects the importance of the achievement being recognized.

Home school diploma templates are useful to give you ideas, but it is more fun and meaningful to make it yourself. Even better, the student can have a hand in making their diploma.

In a public or private high school, the name of the school appears across the top of the diploma in big letters curved like a rainbow. You will have to come up with a name or saying of some sort. Perhaps you and your child have already come up with a name for your "home" school. Use that name. Otherwise, you can brainstorm for ideas of what to place at the top of the diploma. It could be a quotation on the importance of education. Or, something like "In Recognition of the Academic Achievement of".

Diploma Software

Diploma software is another option in addition to using home school diploma templates. This kind of software is basically allows you to mix and match backgrounds, foregrounds, fonts, colors and designs to create the perfect diploma. This software is ideal for someone planning to create dozens or hundreds of diplomas. If you are only going to be creating diplomas for one or two children, it may not be worth the expense. If you belong to a home school organization, perhaps someone could collect funds and purchase the software for the group. Copyright usually only allows the software to be installed on one machine at time. No worries, the program could be installed on one person's computer and anyone can use it when needed.

The final option I'll share here as an alternative to using home school diploma templates is to use the services of a printer. Local and online printing services offer various forms of diplomas and certificates. They have a vast selection of styles, backgrounds, colors and fonts for designing and printing a truly professional looking home school diploma.

Regardless of how you make your child's home school diploma, the thing to remember is the importance of recognizing their achievement with this certificate. Often overlooked, the child needs to be awarded for their achievement with some form of celebration or ceremony and a diploma.

Is Home Schooling For You? Reasons Why Parents Home School

Think back to a time when you experienced emotional pain or unresolved anger while at school as a youngster. As you look back do you wonder if your parents should have home schooled you? There are many reasons parents home school their children. This article will discuss some of the reasons children are home schooled.

Parents who teach their children at home tend to fall into two main categories:

1. Those who prefer to home school their children.
2. Those who want an alternative to the existing school system.

Those who prefer to home school their children.

o Some parents prefer to home school their kids to provide their children with a
different style of education.
o Other parents after having been involved with their children's education at preschool find they have the confidence to continue with the educating of their children at home.
o Some parents' alternative values believe their child's learning and development would be better supported through home schooling.

Those who want an alternative to the existing school system.

Parents in this category will educate their children at home for a number of reasons.

o Children may have health issues or special needs.
o Bullying of their children , a serious problem in our schools, will drive some parents to home school their kids.
o There are children with different learning styles who parents feel would gain more from being taught at home.
o Parents with children possessing special talents or gifted abilities will see homeschooling as the better of two options.
o Unfortunately in our existing system of education some students have for one of more reasons not been able to fit in or conform to the way of life offered in a school setting. In many cases some of these students have been suspended or expelled from the school. The parents have seen no other option but to begin home schooling.

Games Help Home School Students Learn

Home school parents, especially those just beginning, sometimes want to bring 'school' home. This seldom works. As a homeschooling method, it is usually disastrous. Schooling at home should be about learning at home, not necessarily the same way students at school learn. While some 'book learning' is vital, there is more to home schooling than doing workbook pages or reading a book.

One teaching method that works well is using games to teach or reinforce lessons. Some home school parents play Yahtzee with their children several times each week. The game helps children learn their addition and multiplication facts. Another game some home school parents use is Where in the World is Carmen Santiago? One home school mother stated that her son learned more geography playing that game than she learned in a college geography class. Where in Time is Carmen Santiago? is a great game for helping students learn ancient history. A Google search for the phrase "educational games for children" will bring up a long list of possibilities from home school parents can review and select.

Monopoly or The Game of Life help children to learn about money and also teaches or reinforces math skills. Battleship helps students learn how to think and reason. Chess helps students learn strategies and thinking skills. Go Fish or Old Maid help children learn how to match and how to think through winning strategies. Even checkers is a learning game, since students have to think and plan in order to win.

A dice game, where dice are throw and children have to either multiply, add, or subtract the numbers that land face up, is also helpful with learning math facts. Dice can be purchased with 10 sides, 0 through 9. Depending on the skills being learned, the 0 can be 0 or can be used to be a 10. There are also 20 sided dice available that can take the game to higher levels. Students enjoy these games, and several age students can play at the same time. Older students do multiplication or division, while the younger students do addition or subtraction. Passing the dice around to each student in turn, the student throws the dice then answers the question posed by the dice. If the answer is correct, the student earns 5 points. The first student to get to 50 or 100 wins the right to choose the main dish for dinner, or some other prize that works well for the family.

For very small children who need to learn their colors, a small bag of Skittles or M&Ms works well. The children take turns drawing one candy and identifying the color. If they are right, they get to eat it, if not, the parent or older child working with them gets to eat it. While this is not a game you want to play every day due to calories and sugar, it is one that small children enjoy.

These games help students learn, and give respite to the beleaguered home school parent who is trying to juggle the education of several children of differing ages. Home school is difficult to manage if you are trying to do exactly what the public school does. A much more natural approach is to alternate 'book learning' with activities that help cement that learning in the minds of the children. Games not only provide that benefit, they also help bond families together. After all, playing together is a great way to enjoy each other and build lasting happy memories.

Home Schooling and Computer Learning

More and more mothers have decided that their children can learn more through home schooling, either full time, or as a supplement to public schools.

Home schooling is not new, and if you think that your child is not performing well in school, talk to the teachers and ask for some feed back regarding your child. The guidance counselor can also help you in determining the best education for you child. Home schooling is already accepted and perhaps it can help your child learn better in the comforts of your home.

But make sure you establish a time for teaching, and provide the tools and materials children are using in school and home, such as a computer....

A computer is a must in any schooling program today. You'll find having a computer available at home is helpful, because it can speed up learning. With the help of a computer, you child can have a unique and interesting educational experience. You will also.

Children today should learn about this very important tool, even at an early age and one way to achieve that is through schooling computer programs. At present, even pre-school children are already taught how to use the computer and other support resources.

If you opt for home schooling, you and your child will also spend most of your time making use of the computer and the internet. Educating your children will be much better when done online because of the diverse resources. Your child will be provided with an exceptional education which he/she will greatly benefit from in the near future, since the job market trends today involve the Internet.

Parents of school age children can help their kids learn more effectively by having an internet connection at home. The education of children are better when supported by the parents and they can also help in improving the mindset of their kids as well. The parents can pass on to their kids their great heritage through the various online resources.

Remember that home schooling will only work best if the parents are willing to support their kids all the way. They must also be committed and prepared for the challenges that they are about to encounter. The parents should look for a good computer program that can help their children learn all about computer usage.

Often times, the lessons are divided into several parts or series, so that the children can cope easily. Kids have various learning capacities and since they are not given much chance in traditional schools, this is their chance to bring out their best through the use of computers.

Before you decide to home school your children, bring up the subject. See how your kid reacts to the idea and tell him/her about its advantages. Tell them that the online computer classes will help them with their studies, and learning will be a lot easier,

It's better if you and your child both agree to home schooling. Persuading your child to commit to it will not be very good and so you have to seriously talk now. Spend time with your child and know his/her interests. Explain that computer programs can greatly help.

Besides, tell your child that they can indulge more in their interests if they know how to use the computer.

So why not look for the best-suited computer program now? There are lots of online schooling programs to choose from, and it will take some time before you can find the appropriate one. In addition to the standard schooling programs, you'll find information on my website.

Public Relations for Home Schooling Groups

Home schooling is not easy and most parents that do home schooling will admit to you that it is a lot tougher than I thought. It is for this reason that many parents who do home schooling get together with home schooling groups, which does make it easier.

When home schooling groups get together they help all the parents do better with the home schooling. However, it is not easy to get together with all the parents and therefore the home schooling groups must do public relations and develop community goodwill.

More and more people are upset at the public schools and choose to do home schooling, by getting the school system to refer parents to home schooling groups is not easy because the school district does not want people to do home schooling, as they want those kids to come to the public school. Perhaps they see it as competition and are worried about their jobs, as well they should.

Public relations for home schooling could include having a web site with preplanned courses available for parents to download and use to teach their kids. Another thing home schooling groups can do is get together with all the parents and their children and set up soccer teams so the kids will also get some socialization. Please consider all this in 2006.

The History of Home Schooling

Throughout the last twenty years more and more families have opted to school their children at home. The subject of schooling kids at home has been a part of controversial discussions and has made a lot of individuals curious about what it would all entail. Children being home schooled is not a new idea. Before 1852 when a law was passed that required school attendance it was common for children to be educated at home.

The qualities that were needed to manage a home where learned by children on a daily basis. Their main learning sources were daily chores like handling the livestock, making clothes, construction and other tasks. During earlier times reading and writing were not as important as knowing how to perform other skills that were needed in order to guarantee survival. In this time children were just taught how to read and write well enough to handle necessary tasks. The chores associated with farming and other jobs came first before school lessons. Today school subjects like reading and math come first before anything else like chores and playing outside. In the 18th and 19th centuries individuals were not concerned with how effective this type of education was. Some of our histories most popular writers and inventors were schooled at home. Some of our histories most well-known individuals that were home schooled include Thomas Edison, inventor Benjamin Franklin, John Wesley, Beatrix Potter, writer Charles Dickens, and Alexander Graham Bell.

Americans began to only use public and private schools as ways to educate their children when the laws regarding compulsory attendance were enforced. After this law was passed the only places that used home schooling were rural areas and the Amish people.

We have established that this type schooling is not a new idea and has been around for a while, but in today's society it is making a comeback and some consider it to be a movement that is pioneering the way for others. The amount of families that have turned to home schooling as a way to educate their children is such a large number that it has drawn a lot of attention to the subject.

The precise time that modern day schooling at home became an issue is not known, but before the year 1970 and all the educational concerns that came along with this time occurred the practice of home schooling a child was an underground concept. The most important event concerning the popularity of families participating in home schooling was when both educational reformers and educational authors started questioning public schools techniques and what the educational quality that they were producing really was.

School is Where the Home is - Home Schooling

Schools are learning institutions with set values and philosophies that they tend to inculcate in their method of teaching. Usually, a parent's decision as to which school to send their children to are based on precisely the values and philosophies that these institutions are known for. If however, as a parent, you feel that no school or learning institution share your values then perhaps you are better off home schooling your child or children.

It differs from regular, traditional schooling only in the sense that the child learns all the regular lessons except that he or she does not learn this inside a school room.

It is important to note however that home schooling should include taking field trips, incorporating music and physical education into the child's curriculum, and other duties involved in a regular school day like grading papers and such. It is also important that the child's social development not be taken for granted.

One of the main contentions in home schooling verus traditional learning is that the child or children may not be able to exercise and develop social skills properly since they are not around other children that they would otherwise be in contact with inside a traditional classroom. To get the most out of this schooling method and to know if it is for you and your child, below are links to really good resources on line.

This site is one of the largest resource you will find on the Internet because of the amount of useful content it has in it. Even better is the fact that this is a non-commercial site which means that the site will not try to sell you anything so that anything you read or learn from the site can be considered neutral as opposed to sites that offer information as a marketing tool to sell their products.

The author of the site is a parent who actually does home schooling for his children. You'll find useful and empathetic answers to your frequently asked questions on this site.

The Advantage for Socializing

As mentioned above, one of the biggest concerns raised against is that home schooled children may not be able to develop social skills as well as children who are taught inside a traditional setting. In this particular site however you will find an article by someone who was actually home schooled as opposed to learning inside a classroom.

Here you will read about how learning at home as opposed to in a classroom did nothing to deter him from developing the proper social skills needed for a fully functioning adult in our society.

Look out also for other useful links found in the pages of the article to point you in the right direction on learning more about it and other rich resources on line.

Learn in Freedom

Here is another great resource online that showcases what's new and current in the schooling world. The page is straight forward and easy to navigate, and puts more meat into their content rather than their appearance. This a great site to get started or improve.

Warning - Lack of Socialization Causes Home Schooled Children to Have Two Heads?

Rubbish I hear you say? I couldn't agree more. I find it quite amusing that "scholars" and the media treat the home schooled child and parent this way. The number one argument against homeschooling is the buzz word of "socialization" in other words the lack of social interaction with others through schooling.

This is easily avoided by joining numerous organizations, including, independent study programs and specialized enrichment groups for physical education, art, music, and debate. Most are also active in community groups by learning through doing. Home-educated children generally socialize with other children the same way that school children do: outside of school, via personal visits and through sports teams, clubs, and religious groups etc.

Most home education parents have often argued that their alternative actually enhances the student's "socialization". They argue that the school years are the only time in a person's life that he or she will be artificially segregated into chronologically-determined groups. They say that home educated children have a more normal interaction with people of all ages. This will result in more influence on the child from adults, and less from other children, leading to more mature young citizens while still keeping friends and interacting with children of the same age.

In 1999 a statement from the National Education Association that, "home schooling cannot provide the student with a comprehensive education experience". It is funny then that earlier this month shows home-schooled students are actually more socially and academically advanced than their peers. Patrick Basham from Cato Institute and author of the study says one of the greatest quotes ever (and relates to my confronting headline) "aren't surprising in intellectual terms, but it does turn the major anecdotal opposition to home schooling - that it produces social retards - on its head." "Almost one quarter of home-schooled students perform one or more grades above their age level peers in public and private schools," said Basham. Indeed, the study cited findings that by Grade 8, the average home-schooled student performs four grade levels above the national average.

According to the study's findings, the typical home-schooled child is more mature, friendly, happy, thoughtful, competent, and better socialized than students in public or private schools and less peer dependent and exhibit "significantly higher" self-esteem, according to the study.

Where is this socialization the government school crowd always promotes as a reason for not home schooling? The latest blurb is that home schooled kids, even though possibly better educated, just can't be socialized in a home school setting. Once again the difference between theory and practice is showing just the opposite. Socially, home schoolers socialize in soccer comps, football comps, special events, ski trips, astronomy clubs, church groups, on the internet etc. So please, help me find this lack of socialization among home schoolers so we can stamp it out and stop depriving them of this most important asset?. What do you think?

Copyright 2006 Matt Weight

Home Schooling Online

When you are home schooling your children, getting support from your local school system isn't always possible. Nowadays, there are many options and resources online that can be utilized. Since most people have an Internet connection, home schooling online is a good way to make sure your child is getting the education needed to develop real world skills.

There are many ways you can home school online. Some traditional high schools offer online programs. An advantage to home schooling online in this manner is that a local school system is available to make sure your child is receiving the proper testing and studying the proper subjects. They usually supply a curriculum and have a system of checks and balances to make sure your children are studying required subjects. Home schooling lets your children learn about things that interest them, but it doesn't mean they should ignore other skills.

You can home school online using any of the various resources. There are plenty of home schooling websites that offer curriculum examples, lesson plans and forums and resources to help develop a support network.

You can use online resources for research and to get creative lesson plan ideas. There are websites devoted to providing lesson plans. Others concentrate on offering support. You can also use online encyclopedias and dictionaries for research. The Internet makes it possible to home school online from anywhere in the world.

Home schooling is a wonderful option for many parents. Home schooling online can make the process more fun and interesting for your children and help offer a solid support system.

Home Schooling and Socialization - Is it Really an Issue?

I remember when our family first made the decision to home school. It had taken several months of praying about the decision and talking to other home school families getting their advice and we also talked to family members and friends. Most were excited for us and the journey we were about to take if there was a concern they expressed it was when are the kids going to see their friends? For some reason, people with no experience with home schooling seem to have this view that home schoolers stay locked up in the house peeking their heads out only in the dark of night. If you are thinking of schooling at home or if you know a family close to you thinking of it let me help you out with a little knowledge about the average home schooled child and their socialization.

While the socialization for a home schooled child might be different then a public school child the need is met. This is a fear that is legitimate that friends and family might have for a child that they feel might be leaving a conventional form of education study with the social factor built in. Depending on the age of the child the opportunities that are available for the child to learn and socialize are great. Following are a few places were socializing can happen for the home schooled child.

If there is a YMCA in your community there is probably a weekly home school gym day. The kids come in and play a variety of sports with other home school children in the community, friendships and gym class can be taken care of in one car ride to the Y. An art museum or pottery shop might offer classes for home schoolers where children of different ages and even mom and dad can become involved in projects exposing the family to the arts and at the same time introduce them to other families who enjoy the same activities. 4-H is a great activity to involve your children in. There are so many different activities available in 4-H that you can probably find something that each of the kids in a family enjoys and can become involved in. Specialized clubs, such as computer, art, chess, even specialized sports teams such as soccer and hockey are available in larger communities. Music is also an important element for most home schooled families, young children starting out in kinder music offered through the Y to private lessons as the child grows older and then joining a home school band or community orchestra.

Older kids can socialize with others in different age brackets as they work perhaps with the elderly in their church, or help out in junior church. Jobs also offer socialization to teenagers as they gain experience dealing with the public, with their peer group and with the boss. A lot of the time things come full circle for teenagers as they step into roles of teaching younger children at the same classes they use to attend when they were younger children.

At one time perhaps socialization might have been an issue when home schooled families were more afraid of how society would react to the lifestyle they chose. But today, it would be very hard to find home schoolers shut up behind their doors with no social contact with the outside world.

Bird Flu Pandemic, Home Schooling, and Public Schools

Can the United States survive the predicted Bird Flu Pandemic? Will we be forced to alter our lifestyles, wear masks and forego large public areas, activities and events? What about our children, school and education? Large Universities can go virtual but what about our elementary, middles schools and high schools?

I propose that we figure out a way for home schooling in the case of a United States out break, epidemic or pandemic of evolved Bird Flu virus. Education must go on in our schools, but if kids cannot go to school as it would be a breading ground for Bird Flu then they must learn at home and in doing so we must be sure that they are taught correctly.

There are many such home schooling experts whose at home schooling parents consistently teach their children with methodology which allows these children to outperform and blow away the average or even high end test scores of those kids in public schools.

There are many such brilliant home schooling groups throughout the country who are blowing the doors off the public school results. If we have a Bird Flu pandemic we all need to be thinking here.

No one wants to see a pandemic that kills 150 million people World Wide and certainly no one in the United States wishes to see their fellow countrymen in dire agony or sure death. Yet we must be thinking here and be sure to have a plan to school our kids in a virtual way and using home schooling methodology in this potential eventuality. Indeed, we may find out that smarter kids could in fact be one of the only positive out comes of such a horrific human tragedy? Think on this, think about the children.

Home Schooling - How Exactly Does It Work?

In this second article about Home Schooling we're going to discuss exactly how home schooling works.

The most logical question about home schooling would have to be, "How can a student learn when there is not a trained professional teacher there to teach the student?" The truth is, most people are so convinced that the traditional method of teaching is the only way that works, that they can't possibly imagine home schooling being successful.

In truth, home schooling is different for every family. Because there is no traditional classroom each family is free to educate it's child the way they feel is best, within reason of course as you want to make sure the child is properly prepared to be able to go out in the world and handle whatever job or profession he or she is interested in pursuing.

One method that families use is where they take the child's interest and curiosity in a subject and help the child explore the subject. The idea is that there are opportunities to explore many subjects like math, science, history, geography, English and many others. By encouraging a child's normal curiosity eventually all the subjects that would be taught in a conventional classroom get covered.

Another method that families use is that they buy all the books and supplies that a school would buy and follow a normal school curriculum. The material is simply taught at home in a small setting instead of in a large classroom. The theory behind this is that the child is not distracted by his surroundings, feels more comfortable at home and therefore can concentrate better on his studies.

The question many people ask is, "Do children really learn anything in a home schooling setting?" Statistics show that, at least at the college level, students do very well. Obviously this depends on the student and the family. Some children work very well on their own and can actually accelerate beyond a normal work load. Others don't have as easy a time and must take things at a slower pace. That's one of the great advantages of home schooling as each child can go at his own pace.

The majority of critics feel that a home schooled child will be at a disadvantage when applying for college admission or a job because they don't have an official diploma to fall back on. The actual truth is that most colleges and employers are willing to look past that if the child can demonstrate a skill in a more personalized way. Many colleges encourage applications from home schooled children because they feel the child will be more well rounded and therefore help to form a more dynamic and diverse student body.

When all is said and done it basically comes down to the student. One student who would be a straight A student in a traditional classroom could totally bomb out trying to learn at home because they don't have the structure that they need. Another student who would be lost in a traditional classroom because he can't keep up with the mandatory pace would be a great home schooled student because he would be able to take things at his own pace and might even, in the long run, become better educated than his traditionally schooled peers.

The debate will surely go on.

Home Schooling: A Better Choice?

Home schooling could be superior in many ways to attending public school. In this modern age of technology, there are now many options available to students that were not available to students of past generations. Since we are a generation of diverse individuals, with different ways of perceiving information, it seems that home schooling might be a better educational choice for many people.

One of the best aspects of learning from home is the ability for the student to study at their own pace. Many online programs allow the student to learn at a rate that best suits them. In some areas, the student may be able to breeze through fairly quickly, while other subjects may require more time. This is subjective to each student, and cannot be accomplished in a public school setting. Another reason home schooling is superior is because it allows the student to study during the hours of the day best suited for that particular individual. Some people are morning people, others gain their energy later in the day. Studying online allows the student to focus on their studies at the most optimum time for them.

Additionally, if a student is getting their education online, this cuts down on costs for the family. For one, there is no travel time or gas spent on driving to and from school. This makes it easier for working parents. Another way online school can be advantageous is because it would allow the student to work a part-time job and get their education at the same time. While it is possible to work part-time and attend public school classes, it is much easier to accomplish this schedule when the school work is done at home.

Adding to everything else, if more students were educated at home it would cut down on the over-crowding problems all schools face. In fact, some studies reveal that home schooled students achieve higher ACT scores, grade point averages, and graduation rates compared to students who attended public school.

As with anything, there are pros and cons to home schooling.

Pros of home schooling:

  • Free to choose schedule
  • Free to choose curriculum
  • Students learn independence

Cons of home schooling:

  • Harder to provide social interaction
  • Some students struggle with motivation to stay on track
  • Colleges often have stricter admission policies regarding home schooled students

Depending upon personal perspective, some parents relish the idea of having their children with them in the home constantly while others look forward to having time in the day with the kids out of the house. Decide for yourself what type of learning environment works best for you and your family.

Deciding On Home School Preschool

The decision of whether or not to send a child to preschool is a personal choice largely dependent on adequate and affordable programs in a particular area. While some areas provide district funded programs designed to prepare children for kindergarten, others offer only private preschool programs that come at a price. However, there is also the option of home school preschool that allows parents to prepare their children for kindergarten while controlling the environment and method of teaching.

The most important goal of preschool is to prepare young children for the school experience. With guidance, parents can successfully deliver these most important lessons through a home school preschool program. So while public preschool programs may be overcrowded or nonexistent, and private preschool may prove cost-prohibitive, home school preschool can offer benefits equal, if not superior, to both.

Further, for very young children who have yet to leave home without their parents, a preschool program out of the home may be extremely overwhelming. This is the age in which to foster confidence and a love of learning; as such, this first school experience is incredibly important. It may be better to introduce school lessons in an environment in which children are comfortable and nurtured. And a home school preschool can offer just that.

Luckily, there are a variety of home school preschool programs specifically designed by professional educators experienced in elementary education. These programs can be found online and include detailed lesson plans that will educate and invigorate young children through play-based learning. Parents who choose to embark upon a home school preschool program need not worry that they are not qualified to teach. These pre-planned home school preschool programs will walk you through the educational process with ease and confidence. And ultimately, your child will flourish with your care and support.

Keep in mind that a home school preschool program does not necessarily mean a long-term commitment to home schooling. You may want to begin with a home school preschool program and then transition your child to a public or private traditional school environment. Or, you may find that you sincerely enjoy the home schooling process and choose to continue. Either way, it is most important that you address your child's individual needs in determining an educational path. With love, support, and dedication, you will foster a love of learning sure to follow your child for a lifetime.

Traps to Avoid When Transitioning from Home Schooling to a Public or Private School

Many homeschoolers have to face that moment when their children go to a public or private school. Even though they have decided the time is right and have researched all the schools, the transition can be tough for families. Here are a few traps that some home school parents fall into after they have committed to sending their child off to school:

1.Expecting a Miracle. This is the one of the biggest disappointments for many home school families. Some expect that a child's social or academic weaknesses will be overcome in the first quarter at a public or private school. Usually this attitude comes from home school parents who have doubts about their own teaching. Maybe home schooling wasn't all they had hoped for. Maybe they found that although some subjects went well, others had not been easy. Don't expect that the school you have chosen will be able to make up for your child's weaknesses quickly. Be sure to talk to his teacher ahead of time, to highlight areas you perceive as weak, so the teacher can be attentive and proactive.

2.Don't Take It Personally. When you teach your child at home, it is a very personal experience. It's sometimes difficult to see an F on a paper that your child completes for her new school. You may take it personally, feeling like you earned the F. Please don't. Even if you helped your child complete the homework, it's not all about you. Don't let your pride get in the way of your child's education. Look through the homework when you're calm. Then set up an appointment to discuss it with the teacher, if you don't understand where the failure occurred.

3.Expecting a Teacher to be Just like You. There is no one that teaches exactly like you. Don't expect them to! You may have done science experiments with every lesson, but your child's science teacher prefers to lecture with a weekly lab. You may listen to your child read aloud for an hour a day. That is impossible in most schools. Your child is no longer the primary focus of the teacher, and that's hard for some homeschoolers to remember. When you call the teacher and ask if your child ate all her carrots for lunch, realize that the teacher will most likely have no idea. That's more of a parenting issue (or one of individual responsibility for the student.) It's not a teaching responsibility, nor do most teachers have a memory for so many little things.

4.Do Not Attack the Teacher. Always keep communications open with the teacher. Ask for a meeting every other week, if you like, but don't use that time to attack the teacher's teaching methods or abilities. Writing a five-page manifesto and making the teacher cry and flee the room are ways to alienate yourself and make the teacher never want to attend your meetings again. It would be better to address only one or two things per meeting. Give your observations (not judgments) then let the teacher talk. Continue to observe and give your opinions in a heartfelt way. Then, give the teacher time to think about what you have said. You may wish the principal and other teachers to attend, depending on your concerns. Larger groups often come up with solutions and strategies and don't deteriorate into personal attacks.

5.You Won't Like Everything. Realize that you have chosen the best school for your child, but that does not mean it's perfect. Maybe you preferred a school that meets your religious education expectations, but they give more homework than you think is necessary. Perhaps you chose a school that has a more personal style of education, but you find out that the they aren't structured enough for your child. Try to think through everything that is a high priority before you register at the school. Then, commit yourself to stay at the school for the entire year (barring anything that violates your high priorities.) Even if things get tough, you'll probably find that it's worth the minor disagreements and disappointments to get the benefits that your family really values.

It is never easy to make such a big transition, but if you think about these five traps as you switch from a home school environment to a public or private school, you may be more successful and less stressed than some home school families who have gone before you.

No Growing Pains For Home Schooled High Schoolers

It is said that a good quality education is one of the best legacies a parent can bestow on his or her children. Now, with non- traditional methods of learning such as home schooling programs, you can assure your child or children of quality education without the debilitating costs of exorbitant sending them to good private schools.

Also, most public school educational systems does not allow for customization of teaching styles to cater to your child or children's needs as well as foster an environment for learning that is best suited for your child or children. For these reasons, non traditional home schooling education is gaining popularity and perhaps it won't be long before this non traditional method will be considered mainstream.

In the meantime though, it is in your best interest as a parent to ensure that the quality of education that you bring to your child or children through home schooling is at par or even better than traditional methods he or she can experience in a classroom setting.

For this purpose you must equip your child in proper education, taking in consideration that there are certain levels that your child must reach in terms of learning to be able to qualify for good a college or university in case your child wants to continue pursuing higher education after earning a high school degree.

To achieve this, you might want to consider incorporating a certified web based curriculum for your child or children to ensure that he or she can achieve a good result for a high school degree.

Citizen's High School is a good alternative to traditional schooling for your child or children. This web-based institution provides quality learning programs for your child to earn an actual high school diploma, not a more than a GED. Their accredited high school program will allow your child or children to earn a high school degree without losing the flexibility and freedom afforded by a home schooling system. Furthermore, they offer a cost-effective way to achieve all this.

Keystone High is more than the usual online school because Keystone has solid experience working with parents and children from a home schooling background. In fact, the backbone of Keystone is the fact that it was formed to actually supplement home schooling programs specifically aimed for better education for a parent's high schooler.

Keystone does not want to take away or take the role of the parent-teacher in the home schooling program. Instead they are there as allies to lend a professional service to ensure that your child or children get the most out of a home schooling program for high school level individuals.

Money Saving Solutions When Home Schooling

Homeschooling your child can be expensive or it can be less than what it cost you to pay to send your child to school once you factor in all the extra money it will cost to send your child to school, with the school lunches, clothing and other incidentals. It is totally up to you on how much you spend on your children to home school them. What are some ways that you can reduce the cost to purchase curriculum for your children and school them at home?

Buy Used Curriculum:

You can buy used text books for your children and work from them. You can find used books many places online such as Amazon, Online Auctions and other sites that offer used textbooks. You can save up to 50% and more on books. The used books may not be the most current year of the publication, not much have changed year to year with the material that you are teaching. You will be teaching the same material that you learned in school.

Use Online Resources:

You can find many things online for your home school that you can print and use only costing you the price of the paper and ink. The good thing about using worksheets online is that you can print off as many as you need as often as you need them. Since you will only be printing off the ones that you need, there is no need to purchase a full book of worksheets that you won't need or use most of them.

Your Library Card:

The library will be your best cost-saving solution. You will be able to go there and get reading material, use the computer if you don't have one at home, and have a massive amount of research material for reports and projects. Your children will be able to learn to research and meet with other home school children while there during the day. The library has many resources such as DVD rentals that offer many educational show that you can make part of your curriculum.

You can educate your children inexpensively and still give them a great education. There are many great money saving solutions and free worksheets that you can find and use as part of your schooling needs.

Home Schooling Math - Why You Can Teach Math

Math is one subject that scares a lot of home schooling parents, especially as their children get older. Usually this is because the parents didn't do well in math when they were in school.

The main problem with math, is that math is a very "sequential" subject. The new material always depends heavily on what you were taught before. If you have a problem (i.e. if you miss a few things because of sickness, a bad teacher, or other problems in a particular school year), you have to go back and "fix" the problem, or you will have difficulty understanding things after that point.

If this happened to you, even only a few times during all the years you were in school, the chances of you having done well in math, are very low.

Many people have a problem at some point, in school. Then they end up trying to learn the previous material and the current material at the same time. Normally this means they learn it more poorly. They struggle a lot with it, and they don't learn the current material fully. Then the next material is difficult, too. Then they conclude they are poor at math.

In my family, when someone had a problem with math at school, they were helped at home until they got caught up. We all got very good at math, and this is why. It was also because of the effectiveness of one-on-one tutoring, just like when we are home schooling our children.

Also, having helped adults who were "supposedly poor" at math, I know that their ability is usually not the problem. They just were not taught every thing they needed, to do it well.

Just because you found math difficult at school, doesn't mean you can't teach math to your children. And if you are starting off with the lower grades, you probably know most of that math by now, anyway. Get good materials, and learn the few details you missed, as you go through it with your child (also, go over it the day before you teach it, and you should be fine).

And, check out our home school math teaching tips, on our site, listed below. Many of these tips are not even used in schools yet (to be fair to teachers, some of these tips would be more difficult to implement in a classroom environment, with lots of children in a big class, but home schoolers don't have that limitation).

Combine these tips with a good curriculum, lots of determination from you, lots of love, and getting the occasional outside help when you need it, and you will build a great math foundation in your child, that will serve them well, as they advance to more challenging math, and through out their adult life.

You may also want to read "If You Did Poorly in Math," on our site, listed below.

Will Home Schooled Children Eventually Suffer?

The other day, I made a mistake. The first thing you do when you make a mistake is to admit to it and correct it with dispatch. I stated that the person who first coined the word 'Stress' was named Hans Sdye. This is wrong. The gentleman's name was Selye, a Slovakian born in Komarno in 1907. The article that contains this mistake will be corrected also.

Since we're back on stress, I thought it might be interesting to discuss the stress that I and others experienced when we went to school, all of 60 years ago, and compare it with the stress that children today might suffer.

Now hands up all those who've read 'Tom Brown's Schooldays.' My schooldays were similar, but while I suffered a fair amount of bullying at my preparatory school, this was not the case at public school.

Understand that in England, public schools are large private schools, such as Eton, Harrow, Westminster, etc. What we call public schools over here, are State schools in England.

I won't enter into the forms of discipline we had to endure in those days. Suffice to say that things are very different now.

I began my school career at kindergarten, where I remained until I was about eight years old. From there I went to preparatory school and thence to public school at the age of thirteen. From that point of view, things are much the same today. The question is whether children are made to suffer excessive stress due to this business of changing schools.

The particular discussion about which I was reading was the stress of changing from, say, middle school to high school, and perhaps it would be better to let children start at one school and then go all the way through to K12. I understand the argument behind this and of course up to a point it makes sense, but what it boils down to is an attempt to negate stress entirely, or at least as much of it as is possible.

Surely, this is a bad thing. I can remember feeling very nervous when I had to start at a new school. However, I found I could fit in quite well, especially at my public school, and what should be remembered is that schools are microcosms of society and give children the chance to learn to mix with their peers, thereby giving them a form of apprenticeship for their eventual and inevitable emergence into the adult world.

To attempt to shield children from stress entirely is to do them a disservice, since sooner or later they're going to have to find jobs, which could well entail moving away from home. If they haven't had any real experience of meeting and mixing with different children, then it seems to me that they're at an immediate disadvantage.

This is where I have my doubts on home-schooling. Just how much interaction with other children do these kids who home school have? I don't doubt the academic benefits for one moment. From what I've heard, children from this type of environment do exceptionally well. But academic achievement isn't all there is in life.

If, for whatever reason, children haven't had a great deal to do from the point of view of interaction with others, then their eventual experience of the big wide world could be devastating. Maybe they go to college, having been home-schooled for all those years, and they find themselves in an environment so totally different from that to which they're used, that the ever-open door of depression welcomes their poor beleaguered minds.

Perhaps I'm wrong. I hope I am. But it's a matter worth considering

Is Home Schooling Good For Your Child's Socialization?

Home schooling parents are asked one question most often and that is are they worried that their home schoolers won't get adequate socialization? In order for a child to get along in this world he or she has to have socialization. Socialization is something that comes naturally in public and private schools even though it is not part of the curriculum. Friendships and relationships are usually formed through socialization. It is necessary that a child learn to socialize at an early age so as to not grow up and be a loner or a social outcast. Relationships are harder for this type of person. It's also difficult for this type of person to make it business and function in other forms of social situations.

If there's no one around to socialize with, then how does a child that is home schooled get the socialization that he or she needs? What it comes down to is that it's up to the home schooling parent to be aware of the many ways that home schooled children can get the socialization they need. There are many forms of outside activities kids can do after their home schooling that will put them in social positions.

Recreation centers are a good source for social situations. Recreation centers supply many kinds of activities that your children can do which necessitate interacting with others. Another good chance for your kids to socialize is at parties. It doesn't matter if you give the party yourself or take them to parties. One of the best ways for your kids to socialize is by participating in sports. This is also a good way for them to make friends and learn good qualities that they'll need in life.

Another opportunity for your home schoolers to socialize is church activities. Functions like church outings, Bible school and singing in the choir are great ways to socialize your child. You can also enroll your children in art classes, karate school, dance classes, swimming classes, etc. as a way of socialization. Just plain old going outside and playing with other neighborhood children, in my opinion, is the best way for home-schooled children to socialize. This activity all by itself can create everlasting friendships.

Academic lessons such as reading, writing, learning math and science are very important, but doesn't make your child a well-rounded person. If you want to raise a child that is a complete individual, part of the curriculum must be socialization. As the home schooling parent it is ultimately up to you to assure that your home schoolers get the socialization they need.

Disadvantages of Home Schooling

In the recent news, there have been so many problems in school, such as Columbine, the teaching shortages, overcrowded class room and the no child left behind program, and parents are turning to home school. The media has gone out of its way to point out the disadvantages of public school. But how many people have taken a look at home school disadvantages, some situations may not be appropriate for the child when home schooling.

While the concept of home schooling is great, there are a few situations where home schooling may not be a good thing. Some parents don't have adequate education, they have busy lifestyles, and they have limited financial resources. Although in certain situations home schooling is a good option for parents. But in most of the cases, the home schooling issues can be a disadvantage. There are lots of advantages for the kids when they go to a school. Home schooling may not be able to bring out that perfect level of confidence in the kids. Thus you must pay attention towards selection of the home schooling program. The wrong kind of program can be really disastrous for your kid. Make sure that you select the right one for your child.

One of the major problems are adequate education of the parents, most don't have a degree and are unsure how to do the new math, history is extremely boring and science is not one of their strong suits. In this situation it is not a good idea for the parents to teach their children at home. They will have a hard time making sure their children are able to keep up with the Joneses. In the technical age, children need all the education they can get.

Another problem is parents who have many children, busyness is a big concern, and a home school parent must be able to make time during his or her busy day to make sure the child gets the adequate education. Education is key to their survival; parents must have the time to give them a structured education.

The biggest of these problems is the limited financial resources of some parents, low income families rarely have the extra money to pay for books, curriculums and teaching supplies. There are some great resources to lower the prices of those items but they are still expensive items. People who want to home school should be able to afford a quality education for their children.

There are many problems with home schooling programs. The problems are numerous. You can only come up with the solution by either not opting for the home schooling program or by finding the right one for your kids. This is your responsibility.