Beginning Home Schooling

All of the Unites States' fifty states have legalized home schooling, but each state has their own unique guidelines and rules about the entire process of this form of education. Parents who are interested in their children starting homeschooling should first do research about the guidelines and laws that their resident state has. Parents should also do research about the proper steps that need to be followed in order to begin a curriculum.

Some research results have stated that children who are taught at home place in the 89 to 90th percent in the national standardized test. This is sometimes one of the reasons that parents choose to home school their children, they want to give them to have the best education possible. Another reason that some parents have said they choose to home school their children are that they can also include religion as a part of their studies and that this helps to strengthen their family bond. Some parents also feel that when their children are taught at home they are safer than they would be at school; this feeling probably intensifies after tragedies of school shootings are reported on the news. When families need a little more flexibility in their lives or just want to really have control over what their children learn may be attracted to the idea of home schooling. When flexibility is desired it is not only about being flexible in regard to time, but can also be about the methods that are used.

Parents who are considering schooling at home as an option should locate groups that are in their state. These groups give parents access to a lot of useful information and helps the transition go easier. Parents who are new to the world of homeschooling can help themselves from making the most common mistakes when going through this process by talking to others who are more experienced and have a greater amount of knowledge on the subject. Also, by talking to others and doing research a parent will be better equipped to identify important pieces of information that will help give their child or children the best educational experience possible.

There are many different methods of schooling that parents can choose so it is best if parents can make themselves aware of their children's learning mannerisms. When parents conform to their child's habits as far as learning goes the process will probably be easier and more effective.

Before jumping into the choice to home school all the information should be reviewed including any expenses that are associated with this choice, it might even be necessary to create a budget.

Getting Ready For Home Schooling

Home schooling is the method whereby children are educated at home, instead of in a more traditional public or private school setting. Most often, the teacher in a home school situation is the parent of that child.

There are two sides to the home schooling debate. Those who are opposed to home schooling feel that it does not provide the best standardized education or socialization that a child needs to become a healthy and contributing member of society. In addition, they feel that parents who choose to home school their children are "weird" and old fashioned. These people still see home schooling as archaic.

However, parents who home school their own children will tell you differently. First, home school programs are just about as dynamic as you can get, in terms of providing unique and authentic experiences for the child that cater to their individual needs and learning style. Most parents who home school will tell you that it is the biggest reward ever to watch your own child discover new things and develop as an individual, especially knowing that you played a part in facilitating that learning.

If you are deciding whether or not a home school program is a good fit for you and your child, there are many convincing arguments on both sides of the table. Ultimately though, the decision is yours to make. Consider the following steps to preparing for home schooling your child.

  1. Make your decision: Home schooling your child is not a decision that is, or should be arrived at lightly. This new dynamic in your home can change your relationship with your child and others. Make a list of pros and cons for the decision. Sit down and talk with your family about how each person feels about home schooling. Finally, consider whether or not you are willing and able to make the time and energy commitment that home schooling requires in order to be successful. You need to be able to clearly articulate why you feel that a home school program will be the best fit for you and your child.
  2. Understand that learning is a process: Once you enter into the home school program, you now become a teacher. If you don't have an appropriate understanding of child and learning development, you should do a little research. Learning takes time. And obviously a pre-schooler will be at a much different level than a high school student. That said, you need to be able to prepare a lesson that meets your child where they are at and takes them where they need to go.
  3. Know and follow your state laws for home schooling: Each individual state has its own laws regarding home schooling. You need to keep abreast of the laws and regulations so that your child will be prepared when it is time to enter a higher education institution. Otherwise, all your hard work and theirs could go to waste, as it would not be considered a valid education.
  4. Find a local support group: Parents who are just beginning to home school their child will benefit greatly from a group of experienced home schoolers. They can provide all the necessary resources and advice. In addition, this group provides a social network of other home school students for you child. Consider joining one of these groups right away.

No-one In Their Right Mind Chooses To Home School Their Children

When a friend of mine announced her decision to take her two nine year old boys out of the local public school and teach them at home many people said that she had to be out of her mind.

When you think about it this would seem like a perfectly reasonable reaction not simply because the public school system has evolved over many years and developed an expertise in teaching children, but also because my friend was simply a housewife and had no training or qualifications for teaching.

But did you know that there are currently more than one million children in the United States undergoing home schooling in just the situation in which my friend found herself.

Now the reasons for opting for home schooling are many and varied but, at the end of day, most parents choose to home school their children because they believe that it is better for their children, not simply in terms of academic achievement but also in terms of removing children from many of the bad aspects of a public school educations such as bullying, getting in with the 'wrong crowd' and a host of other problems.

In simple academic terms there is little doubt that home schooling produces better results than both the public school and private school systems in the vast majority of cases. For example, the winner of the 1997 National Spelling Bee was home schooled and four sisters, all of whom had been home schooled, gained master's degrees from an Ivy League university. Another young girl gained her master's degree at the age of just 16 and was teaching at a Texas community college by the time she reached 18.

Now you might well think that these were simply bright kids and this had nothing to do with home schooling, however, even the US Department of Education would have to disagree with this as their own studies show that by the time home schooled children reach the equivalent of the 8th grade they are as much as 4 years ahead of their public school counterparts.

Home schooling is certainly not an easy option but, as any home schooling parent knows, it works. For the parent home schooling is certainly hard work but, although the teaching profession might not like to hear it, you do not need any special training or qualifications to teach your own children. Indeed, as long as you can read and write then you'll find that, with a little help from your local home schooling support group, not only will you be able to teach your own children but you will find that it is one of the most rewarding things you can do as a parent.

It is also one of the most valuable things you can do to really draw your family together into a tight-knit, loving and supportive unit.

Results Are In - Practical Home Schooling Vs Public Schools

There are many, quality studies that indicate that practical home schooling on average develops better quality students. Part of this effect can be explained by observing that parents that have a say on tuition no matter which route they adopt. A parent that's truly involved in the education of their children assists in motivating the student, resulting in better results.

Reported in one of the studies sponsored by the Dept of Education, practical home schooling test scores were especially high. The average score for each grade was so much higher than those of public and even private and Catholic school students.

The typical home schooled child in grades one to four were one grade higher then their peers. Once the students had reached the equivalent of eighth grade, they were in the region of three years in front of those that had attended a public school.

A factor of those findings that ought to be noted is the consequence of the public schools doing a particularly poor job - not simply that home education had been doing better. Nevertheless practical home schooled students often exceeded those at private schools.

Also, costs are much lower as well. Public education schools often spend on average $6000 per year for each student; the private schools spend just $3,250. Home schooling comes in by far the lowest at $600 per student each year. Of course, that last figure does not take into consideration the time a parent spends tutoring for free that a school teacher would be salaried for.

It's estimated that over one million students are home schooled across America each year. Hundreds gone on to universities and colleges and in many instances the most difficult and prestigious at which to be admitted. In practical home schooling there's a lack of the peer pressure that will tease those that exhibit a keenness to learn. As an alternative, there is a concerned tutor or parent that encourages the very best from within the child.

Why More Parents Choose Home Schooling For Their Kids

In the 1980's, a number of conservative Christians pursued the legality of home schooling that led to its open acceptance in all States. Some parents protect their kids' values and formation by opting to teach them at home and away from uncontrollable influences in the public schooling setting. This has resulted to about 1.1 million homes having education out of school, just in 2005 alone.

Home schooling is defined as the education given by parents, private tutors, or professionals to children at a home setting. There is no classroom setting and the need to attend public school teaching to earn educational credits. The good thing about this education program is that a home-taught graduate can still enter various other educational institutions like universities and technical schools to have higher education. There has been no substantial limits to home schooling that can hinder any academic growth for your kids or teens.

But what are the reasons behind parents opting for this new form of education? First, parents chose to do so because they are standing up for their religious beliefs and values. These parents know that there are negative conditions that can be promoted in public schooling. Factors like drugs, peer pressure, and bullying can be any parent's nightmare when their kids go to the usual school education. At this time though, the demographics of kids getting home schooled are just no longer from the religious conservatives. Surprisingly, there is a turn out of various families coming from different backgrounds who finds home schooling more convenient and practical.

Second most common reason is the readily available bonding time spent between parent and child during their learning activities. Most of the parents who want home schooling are hands-on parents. They can easily mold their children with the values and beliefs that come from them. For kids who have private tutors, the attention given by their tutor can maximize their learning capacity since they do not have to share their tutor with any one else. Also, even if tutors took hold of the teaching of their children, parents are often still involved with their home schooling kids as they can easily monitor the progress being made by their children from the report of the private tutor.

And lastly, parents choose it financial reasons. Going to school can cost a lot aside from the other school services, projects, trips, and other miscellaneous related to formal education. Usually, one parent stays home in a home schooling setting and the whole household depends on the other parent for income. This might sound as a challenge to some, but it helps the family to get involved in money saving. As young as they are, they can feel they are being valued for their small contributions and would even become more grateful to their parents.

Finding alternative choices for your kids' education can really help you when you have a certain situation or condition at hand. Fortunately, there is a rising number of communities that acknowledge this educational form and has put up a few help support. They provide resources and offer support for parents who have their children home-schooled.

Home Schooling: Educating the Teachers

It's 5:30 a.m. on a summer day. I should be sleeping like the rest of the world, ensconced in a woolly blanket of certitude that there is no work today, only vacation. But I can't really sleep. It's the first day of school, you see.

There is an old theory of learning that says education isn't about teaching students new things but only about reminding them what they already inherently know.

It's a high-minded theory that assumes everyone is what my old college president would have termed "educable," that knowledge, like truth, is not relative, but exists on its own plane running parallel to ours and may be accessed by revelation.

One need only be shown the hidden path to the oracle's chamber, so to speak, and all will be unveiled.

Sometimes, though, it's not the student but the teacher that needs to be shown the way.

Perhaps we are so inured to others' needs, so accustomed to our own convenience, that we modern folk oftentimes don't pay heed to the tragedies occurring before our very eyes. Particularly for parents trying to educate our children, there seems to be a wall in front of our eyes that shields us so often from the truth.

We place our children in schools in the hopes that they will learn what is needed for them to survive in this world: facts, figures, social aptitude, an inquiring mind, an entrepreneurial spirit.

And we will show up and be supportive at school assemblies, classroom field trips, endless fund-raisers, sporting events, etc., ad nauseum.

We provide classroom supplies, chaperoning, transportation, library staffing, even office support, all in hopes that we are furthering our children's education by setting a good example and freeing up the teachers to do "what they do best."

Too often, though, what parents get out of this bargain isn't what was promised. Instead of bright, energetic, go-getter scholars, what we are handed back is children who are lethargic, beaten down and drained of any creativity they once had. We get kids who are indoctrinated into political correctness -- which is to say the art of arrogant whininess -- but who can barely multiply. We get kids who have been taught in "science" class to recycle to "save" the planet, but who can't explain to you how an airplane stays in the air or how an internal combustion engine works. We get kids who have been forced to memorize Dr. Martin Luther King's "I Have a Dream" speech and participate annually in Cinco de Mayo but who can't explain one contribution of white people to the world other than bringing disease to North America.

In some schools, it's not unusual for as many as half the students to drop out before their senior high school year. Of those who hang in there, many seniors can't even pass an eighth-grade-level exit exam to get their diplomas.

And just to add to parental enjoyment, along the way, the children have almost certainly been exposed to gay sex, oral sex, premarital sex, contraception, abortion, illegal drug use, alcohol abuse, nihilism and atheism. All under the auspices of the school, and all before sixth grade -- kindergarten, if some legislators get their way. Recess and that after-school time before parents come home provide ample opportunity for kids to put into practice what they've learned in "skool."

Parents may seek relief in private schools, but often what they encounter is no better, just more expensive. If you are rich enough, it is still possible to buy your children a real education. If you're merely well-off, more likely what will happen is you will pay through the nose, and your children will receive an education that is relatively free from the sex- and drug-teaching curricula of the public schools, as well as the more violent forms of playground bullying. But for the most part, the rest of the teaching agenda is the same, particularly if you live in a state like California, where private schools are so regulated that they often just give up and use the same books, the same curricula, same time tables and same test "preparation" procedures as the public schools. If you're lucky, there might be some time to squeeze in a little religious education.

That was our experience. Not being much of a corporate yes man myself, we've often been on the lower rungs of the economic ladder. Still, we managed to put our son into private schools despite the cost. Sending him to our local public elementary school was out of the question. The first time we went to that school's office, there were three children being treated by the school nurse after getting beaten up in the halls. The second time we went to that office, the police were there having a "chat" with a boy who looked like he was in about fourth grade.

So we got our son into a local private school, with high hopes of better things. Now, when he started kindergarten, he was almost a whole year younger than the rest of his classmates because of the oddity of birthday cutoffs, but he still tested above many of them. That glowing moment didn't last long, however. Soon, we were told that our boy needed a speech therapist because he had trouble pronouncing certain syllables. We took him back to our local public school, which actually had a real speech therapist on staff, and after five minutes she pronounced not only was he normal for his age, but he was exceptionally bright and seemed like he was a few years ahead in his vocabulary, even if he couldn't quite pronounce his "th" sounds yet.

After we got over that hurdle, we learned that he was being picked on at school. Despite the school's supposedly strict "no bullies" policy, our son, who was a year younger than most of his classmates but also taller than almost all of them, was in the same classroom with a boy who was almost two years older than most of the kindergartners. So now I found myself having to explain to my gentle 5-year-old how to handle an 8-year-old developmentally challenged gorilla who liked to express himself with his fists. We finally got the principal to take action after the teacher did nothing, but at the expense of his teacher now viewing us and our son as "the enemy" for getting her in trouble.

And that was just the beginning of our experiences with private schools. At one point, our boy must have seen something on TV at the same time the class was studying Christ's Passion in school, and he made a comment to somebody, somehow, somewhere, "Oh, just kill me." I think it was because he used the wrong color crayon or something. Suddenly, our then first-grader is supposedly likely to kill himself, he could be a danger to others, yada yada. So we take him to his first shrink, who pronounces him normal but unusually imaginative and, surprise, verbally gifted, and says that the boy was just acting out something he heard. We were not really surprised, but we were still relieved that everything was normal.

Let me tell you, though, after something like that gets around, nothing's normal ever again. Suddenly, we were the pariahs who were raising the next Columbine kid. We couldn't buy a play date at that point. And our son was aware of it. He started hanging his head when he walked, playing by himself at recess, and we'd catch him calling himself "stupid" when things went awry. At that point, we had an opportunity to apply to another school. We went through all the hoops and got positive feedback from the interviewing teachers and so forth, but one of the deciding factors turned out to be a letter written to the new school by our son's kindergarten teacher. We weren't allowed to see the letter, but the tone of the interviewers changed drastically after they read it.

Fortunately, we had another opportunity to get into a different school, this one Catholic, which is our denomination. Once again, we had high hopes for better results. Once again, those hopes were dashed. Our son wound up in a classroom with a first-year teacher who right off the bat pegged him as a troublemaker for whatever reason. This teacher, we later learned, had a habit of yelling at the kids, and she took out much of her aggression on our son. He began hating school and not wanting to do the incredible amount of homework they piled on every night. The next teacher was much nicer, but by then the damage was done. Even though our boy was capable of doing his homework perfectly (when he wanted to), he regularly flunked tests because they were time-limited and he would panic because he could hear his past teacher screaming at the kids next door.

Just to add insult to injury, we finally realized that the curriculum at the school was the same state-created curriculum at public schools. They used the same texts and applied the same ridiculous schedule of 8 to 10 subjects per day, which hardly allows any time to absorb the information, much less understand it. The parents whose kids were doing well in class, we later learned, were going to Kumon classes after school. When our son needed extra help with multiplication, we were told he must be tutored. Well, the tutors at the school didn't have time for us. We approached the youth director because her teens need service credits to graduate high school. No one volunteered to tutor our son. We were finally told he MUST have a professional tutor. We were given a name, supposedly of a parishioner, but no contact information. This person was not on record with the parish or the school office. The principal, who had recommended him, never came forth with a number. We contacted the church's nuns. This particular order is charged with teaching children. That's their gig. Within five minutes, the got back to us and said one of the sisters would tutor our son, but they wanted to talk to his teacher before setting up a schedule. They talked to his teacher apparently, then suddenly they weren't available to help out.

So in the final analysis, our own church school, using lay teachers to teach state curriculum out of state textbooks, happily accepts thousands of dollars in tuition but is unable to properly teach the children math, forcing parents to supplement with either a program like Kumon or, in our case, nonexistent tutors.

We spent somewhere between $25,000 and $30,000 on tuition, uniforms and other expenses in the vain hope of giving our child a decent education. All that happened was a gaggle of overpaid strangers slowly strangled his curiosity and crushed his desire to learn, leaving him a bundle of nerves at the age of 8.

Sometimes it's the educator who needs to be reminded of what he already knows. My child is too important to me, and I think someday to the world, to leave in the hands of a capricious public or private education system that, ultimately, is designed to produce conforming drones, not thinkers. We, as his parents, cannot simply stand by and watch the life being squeezed out of him like the juice from a lemon.

The reality is that we, like most parents, have allowed this to happen for far too long because it was convenient to let our son be raised by strangers.

No more.

We had started supplementing his education with materials from a local home schooling program when he began having grade trouble and as a "backup" because of the monkey business school administrators liked to be up to, such as putting new students on "probation" for no reason.

We've decided to take the plunge and just home school. It will be a change, for sure, and a lot of responsibility, but the incredible improvement we've already seen in our boy's attitude and aptitude is making it worthwhile.

I've encountered many parents with stories similar to ours. We apparently are part of a growing movement to take back education from the millers who are running the system.

Having been through the system myself, and having seen what it nearly did to my child, I no longer believe in "reforming" the education system, reducing class sizes or raising teachers' salaries. If the government insists on dabbling in education, then what is needed is a wholesale elimination of what we have now. A replacement system would start with teachers who are trained in a subject other than "education," have an administrator-to-teacher ratio on the order of 1-to-20, eliminate the nonsensical scale of grade levels and let students achieve at their own speed in the needed skills.

How do I know that would work? Because that's essentially what we've created with our own home schooling group, and it is working spectacularly well. There are kids who have gone through the same program and entered college by age 15. Many of the teens in the program or formerly in the program have successful businesses. My son's only 8, so we've got lots of working and growing ahead to do, but for the first time in a long time, both he and his parents are looking forward to it.

Why HomeSchooling is not Really Home Schooling Anymore

Homeschooling may not actually really be "home" schooling anymore, this is because many very smart people have set up home-schooling networks in the United States and there are nearly 1,000 of them now. In these networks the parents and groups get together to assist the each of the parents to do it right. In the past there have been many critics of homeschooling, some of their complaints justified, some not. Most of the complaints are really no longer huge issues.

We have all heard the claim that home schooled kids do not get the much needed socialization that has been an integral part of the public school system. Of course this is no longer true with networks of homeschoolers, which go on field trips, join sporting teams or get together in larger groups. In fact their socialization comes without the bullying or stealing of lunch money on the way to school.

If much of the home-schooling now is being done outside the home, then is it really "home" schooling? And the word "school" itself is a misnomer too, because schools have turned into giant baby-sitting facilities and factories of rote-memorization so no child is allowed to advance. Perhaps the word home-schooling needs an upgrade?

Maybe we should call home school; Advanced Alternative Learning? Home-schooling is really nothing similar to the old methodologies employed in home-schooling in the last few decades. Are home-schooled kids smarter? Well, they may not start out any smarter on average than public schooled kids but their performance generally surpasses that of kids who are a product of the public school system.

Home-Schooling Your Autistic Child

If you have an autistic child, then you are aware of the many challenges you face raising your child. With the behavioral problems that many autistic children suffer from, raising an autistic child may feel like two full-time jobs at times. Educating an autistic child is also a difficult task that must be fully thought out.

While public schools are funded to handle children with special needs, these locations are not always the best arenas for autistic children. One of the reasons that home-schooling your autistic child is a good idea is because special education programs may lump autistic children in with others who have maladaptive behavioral problems.

Remember, autistic children have behavioral problems due to their developmental inability to properly function normally in social situations. If they are placed in with others who have emotional problems they may regress instead of progress. However, if home-schooled, parents can control the social influences that are likely to either help or hinder the progress of their child. They can keep them away from insensitive teachers, bullies, and have greater control of their education.

Due to their obvious differences, many autistic children are treated with cruelty. This horrible fact of life can undo much of the progress that your child may have already made. Most autistic children function best when routines are set. Home-schooling is the best way to ensure these routines are established and followed.

In addition, home-schooling is a good choice because many autistic children are sensitive to sound. If they are in a classroom with a bunch of other children making noise, it can be difficult for them to focus.

The home-schooling setting is normally more quiet and conducive to learning, besides, it offers autistic children a typically 1:1 teacher to student ratio. Plus, if you're following a GFCF diet it's much easier to implement this at home and you can be sure that your child is only eating what you're giving them.

Furthermore, research has demonstrated that autistic children who are home-schooled score better on problem behavior assessments.

In order to make the most out of your child's home-school experience, it may be a good idea to keep a journal. Write down anything about your child's behavior and performance that is important. For instance, you can keep track of when your child is most productive, when he or she learns best, and what are the potential distractions. Remember you'll need to adapt your teaching style to suit their learning ability. Trying to make them learn 'your way' will just lead to a lack of progress and frustration all round.

As a parent and a teacher it is important for you to read up on recent literature involving the education of autistic children. There are many resources that provide information on teaching strategies, learning methods, and the different types of intelligence. Knowing this information will enable you to tailor a home-school program that will meet your child's needs.

The beauty about home-schooling is that if one approach doesn't work you can adapt your style until you find an approach that does work.

Home-schooling is fast becoming a common educational choice for parents of autistic children. The research involved clearly outlines the benefits of home-schooling. However, you must ensure that you will have the time and the dedication to follow through with home-schooling. Simply keeping your child at home is not going to do any good if learning is not occurring. It is important that you address academic, behavioral, and social needs.

Hello! Socialization IS a Benefit of Home Schooling

Whenever the topic of family education faces, a question is raised to be sure - that of socialization. While even the most cynical skeptics can't deny that there are several advantages of home schooling (such as children at home have better results in all areas than their public school or private) They seem to dwell on the social aspects of family education, standing by the mistaken belief that home schooling stifles a child's ability to socialize.

It's actually easy to see things from their point of view and to understand why they came to such hasty conclusions. The style of home schooling implies a lower teacher-student ratio (an aspect many regard as one of the best advantages of home schooling), which means that a home-schooler has more interaction with children his or her age compared to a child who goes to school, where the interaction is virtually inevitable in a classroom.

But while skeptics argue that keeping children away from a predominantly social setting stunt their socialization, the public school supporters insist that confining children to the school will allow them to better develop their social skills. In fact, these adherents believe that improving the socialization is yet another advantage of home schooling, even though it is often overlooked.

How is this so? To begin with, home-schooled children have their parents as their main influence, and not a peer group that could childhood (and probably more) distorts their values and perspectives, significantly delaying their willingness to confront the real world. Children from the school may allow more time to interact with their peers, but to confine socialization within a certain age group (and not very mature as that in).

The style of home schooling, on the other hand, gives children the chance to be influenced by people who know what they are like in the real world and whose priorities are passing on a good set of values, as opposed to Impose misconceptions of what's "cool" and what's not. What's more, these kids get to interact with people of different ages, simply by staying in their parents' protective wing, teaching them to socialize outside of their age group and allow for a broader, more mature point of view.

And indeed, to be educated at home doesn't mean that a child can interact with his peers at all. There's a lot of time to do that when the school and most of the day lessons were made. Concerns naturally come to the socialization of those who have never had any experience of home schooling to begin with. But those who are lucky enough to have dared to try knowing that socialization isn't a problem have come to the realization that home schooling is just as effective social as the surrounding public and private schools.

7 Questions to Ask About Home Schooling

Home schooling is a choice many thousands of families have made as the educational option for their children. What is it? And, is it for you? I'm sure lots of questions have been raised if you're leaning in this direction for your kids. Now is certainly the time to ask those questions. It's best to be informed and do your research before committing to this option. Here are some questions that you may want to ask yourself:

1. Home Schooling, What is it? Home schooling is a very diverse choice of education available today. It has the flexibility for families to create a wide variety of options for their children. While teaching the basic subjects, time can be directed towards additional areas of study based on the child's interests and ability. Parents can pick and choose materials to help their kid's individual personalities. It can be as unique or as structured as you'd like, whatever works for your family.

2. Who is Home Schooling? Everyone is home schooling, that is everyone who makes that choice. There are families everywhere that have made this decision for their children's education.

3. Why Home School? Every family has their reasons for choosing an alternative education for their kids today. Many families initially taught their children at home because of religious reasons, but the majority of why families make this choice today is basically academic reasons. There's a lot of concern for negative peer pressure, drugs and violence too. Every family has to make that decision based on their situation. Many kids want more than the public school has to offer kids today. They want more education and more ways to explore issues further. They want more than the basics.

4. Is Home Schooling Expensive? It can range in price from very little to a lot depending on what type of studies you plan to explore with your child. There are hundreds, if not thousands of free resources available to families today. Free public resources like museums, libraries, the Internet or second-hand educational supplies are excellent places to collect information. It's up to you how much you spend on your child's educations.

5. Can I Work while I Home School my Child? Yes, you definitely can work while teaching your child. Many families do have one parent focused on the education of their kids. Others have chosen the option of telecommuting positions or flex-time with their current job. This has given them the opportunity to accomplish working and educating their kids at home.

6. What are Some Advantages of Home Schooling? One of the greatest benefits above all others is the increased quality of time you'll be spending together as a family. This increased time together naturally creates a tighter bonds between siblings and parents. Flexibility is a huge advantage of teaching your kids at home, since how and what is learned is decided completely by what works for your family. And, you make those decisions.

7. What are Some Disadvantages? The biggest disadvantage would be for adjusting to loss of income. You need someone at home part-time at a minimum to direct your child's learning. There are ways to accomplish this though, if you really want it. It's all about give and take, and what works for your family.

There are many more questions to ask if you're planning to home school your child. This is a good place to start though. If you get your questions answered first, it will be easier to make an informed decision about your choice to home school or not. After all, your child's education is worth it!

The Importance Of Qualified Home School Teaching

Many parents, faced with inadequate schooling for their children or a child's particular educational needs that a district can not effectively handle, choose instead to home school their child. Home schooling - when done appropriately and responsibly - can be enormously effective in educating children in particular situations. However, qualified home school teaching is paramount to achieving results.

Parents choose the option of home schooling for a variety of reasons. In some cases, the quality of education is lacking in their area school district, classrooms are overcrowded, or particular educational needs can not be met by existing programs. While private schooling may sometimes be an option, in many cases it is cost-prohibitive. In other cases, learning or physical disabilities hinder students regardless of what traditional school environment they attend. In all of these cases, home schooling can provide an efficient and successful alternative to traditional learning environments.

Those providing home school teaching - most often the parent of the child being home schooled - must make a commitment to keeping the student on par with the curriculum being offered through the public school system. Each particular state offers their own guidelines regarding home school teaching requirements. Those interested in home school teaching should possess a strong desire to have a positive impact on their student's education; the rest will come with experience. Home school curriculum in line with state guidelines can be found online and will lead instructors step-by-step through the process.

Parents who choose home schooling are often intimidated by the teaching process. What they will soon discover is that home school teaching is ultimately the communication of information in a way that works for each particular student. For example, if your child learns best through sound, you may find that you do well with the use of DVD instruction in your home school teaching. Other students need a more hands-on approach. If you listen and observe the needs of your child you will often find a way to customize your home school teaching.

Home school teaching can bring learning into focus for a variety of students. Released from the social, emotional, and educational obstacles sometimes found in traditional school environments, students are left with a clear path to learning. Approached responsibly, the home school process can instill confidence and a lifelong love of learning.

Home Schooling From the Students Perspective

When young people are told that they are going to be home schooled you get a mixed bag of reactions. Some will be extremely angry at being taken away from their school and friends. They will be upset that roadmap to college will change drastically and will affect the college they gain entrance to.

Then others will be extremely happy. These are the groups that were terrorized by bullies in public schools. These groups had few friends and were the brunt of most jokes at school. This group of students hates school and is usually very depressed all the time.

No matter which group of students you came from, home schooling really is good for all. Very quickly students learn some of the major differences:

  1. Individual attention: No more sleeping through math class, or English. Now your mother is there to make sure you are awake and doing the assignment. This is the first and biggest change for most students changing from public to home schooling. The one on one teaching they get is totally alien to them. The fact the new teacher is their parent makes it harder to get used to. That is why it is so important for parents to research and find their teaching style before they start. They must separate themselves from being parents and become teachers.
  2. Same teacher for all subjects: Students do not get a break from their teacher like in public school. The parent is the teacher in every class they take.
  3. Breaks: The teacher (parent) must find what works best for their situation. It is usually a work in progress. Home schooling has a great advantage over public schools because it is so flexible. If something comes up and you need to miss a class for a dentist appointment it is easily rescheduled.
  4. More free time: If students work hard at their home schooling they find that they have much more free time on their hands. In most cases parents reward the student when they work hard and finish work or tests early. This incentive works great with home schooled kids. They love the free time home schooling offers them.

The list goes on and on. Suffice it to say that your child hood education will be better for you if you are home schooled. Parents need to take a good long look at their child's education and seriously consider home schooling as an option.

Home School Education - Setting Up a Home School

If you are planning to put your kids in home school, it is important that you learn some basics tips to help you prepare for homeschooling. Of course, it is important that you also can provide the best education and learning to your kid as well even if they are not going to school.

If you are planning to set up a home school education, which is one option for kids these days, here are some tips to help you.

Assess your schedule and your family's schedule to be able to ensure that you have enough time to teach children. Of course, you have to make a schedule too and make sure that homeschooling has its own time that is set only for homeschooling. Set a desired schedule then but make sure that any household chores and other chores at home do not interfere with the kids' schooling.

Make your home school legal. In establishing your home school, it is indeed important that you have obtained proper licensing and that you also have set up the requirements for setting up a home school. You may need accreditation and you may have to put into writing the schedule, the classes, the outline of the curriculum as well as the number of hours that your homeschool allot for teaching and learning.

Determine your home school schedule that allows optimum learning from your child. Assess his attitude towards learning. If he is active in the morning, you may need to schedule your home school classes in the morning as well, but make sure that your child is still getting the total number of hours of lessons required of him.

Separate the child's play area as well as their work area. Being organized can help a lot in making home schooling more convenient and easy. If you are home schooling a preschooler, it helps to also avoid disturbance at home especially if their friends are already playing or wanting to play with your homeschooled children.

Arrange off-site requirements for your homeschool. If you see the need to have other classes for your homeschooled child especially when it comes to their interests and passion such as music classes, dancing classes, swimming classes or any other lessons they will be taking, arrange the schedule early so you can also make the schedule fit in to yours as well.

Prepare their subject matters and make sure to check out the proper subject descriptions to ease of accreditation later when our homeschooled kid will eventually go to high school or college.

Of course, aside from these preparations, you will also need some paper works such as preparing professionally made transcripts that are acceptable to colleges and universities if you are having a high school home school. But of course, even with preschool, make sure that you have prepared the forms they will need for their records.

How To Proceed If You Want To Home School

Several different research studies have established that home schooling has benefits which simply are not available to children in the US public school system, and those parents in a position to do so may want to home school beginning as quickly as they can. For those who do want to home school, finding the best way to begin is essential.

Doing research into your state's home schooling requirements is the best way to get started if you want to home school. There are eight states which have not requirements whatsoever, and if you live in one of them you do not even have to notify your school district of your intention to home school. But other states have quite strict requirements about home schooling curriculum, testing, attendance reports, and lesson plans.

Use The Internet

You should be able to find a state or local group with all the information on home schooling requirements on the Internet, and you can also join some home schooling parent support groups and post your questions on their online forums.

By reaching out to other home schooling parents when you have decided that you want to home school, you will gain from their experience and learn from their mistakes. You will learn what paperwork, if any, is required by your school district, and how to avoid truancy charges if you choose to remove your children from the public school system.

When you have finished getting your questions answered, and if you still want to home school, you will have to set up a curriculum and lesson plans for your children. Some states require that your curriculum include math, science, language arts, and history or civic studies; as long as you cover those subjects for the necessary length of time each day, you and your kids are free to define your own educational experiences.

The Freedom Of Home Schooling

You can schedule you school days any way you like; you can space your classes an hour or two apart; and you can set up field trips related to your current studies any time it is convenient. You can find you children's optimal learning speed, and let them advance at their own paces. You can let you children pick an extra topic for study that is of particular interest, whether it's something they saw in a movie or on TV, or it's something they found in the back yard.

You will learn that it's not unusual for your children to sail through some subjects and struggle with others, and the beauty of home schooling is that they do not have to force themselves to "keep up" with an artificial standard of progress. You'll be able to spend as much time as you need on one subject, until they have mastered it.

If you have considered all your options for educating your children, and decided that you want to home school [], get ready for the adventure of a lifetime, and expect to learn even more than your kids!

There are many things to do before you decide to home school your child, but once you do, you will be offering them the best education they can get.

Homeschooling Online - Home Schooling In The Eyes Of Federal Law

Home Schooling the United States has no specific Federal Law. As per the 10th United States Constitution Amendment, it makes clear the government has high regards for education and therefore all matters are bestowed in the hands of the states. US Constitution makes it pretty clear that the government shall neither interfere nor control with education, private or public. This, as a matter of fact is untrue.

So if this is true then certainly home schooling as per Federal Law is legal, that is because there exist no rule to suggest otherwise. Some of United States most famous Presidents came from home schools for instance - Abraham Lincoln, Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, all emerged from home schools. Why all the fuss if it's legal? As per Federal Level the whole matter is legal.

But as soon as the matter reaches to state level, it is a complete chaos, that because of poor understanding by local officials of public schools of the basis laws. Most of then are completely ignorant when it comes down to understanding the meaning of these laws. And to a certain extent the officials are not at fault, there exists no uniform laws and laws vary across different states. What is prevalent in New York may not be the same as in California.

Of all the states l pertaining to home schools in California could be termed the most complex. North Carolina has more leniencies but then too some regulations can baffle people. Till federal laws are not put in place this situation is expected to continue, the matter worsens as home schoolers are against any Federal bindings.

If home schooling is your way then what's the way to follow Federal Law! Do not scratch your heads; Home School Legal Defense Association (HSLDA) has all the answers for your requirements. They keep a complete eye on new bills that are introduced and also fresh laws of senate and the house, this helps home schoolers keep a track of new developments. The US Constitution clearly says that Federal government have no rights to create new laws & rules to attempt to control public or private education but this far from reality.

The No Child Left Behind Act is a prime example. This act surely gives a controlling like feel public & private schools. There are more examples wherein laws have been made to control education itself. HSDLA is basically a regulator assigned the imperative task of viewing the legislation in at federal government level and of each state while it also takes up the work of giving families of home school legal assistance when they get stuck in legal tangles.

Home schools; can they stay far from the reaches of legal hassles? Do there exists any laws protecting home schools? The tenth US Constitution Amendment is the rescue path. But if you require professional guidance it is best advised to consult a lawyer who has in depth knowledge of the legal issues that govern local and federal home school laws.

The matter be dependent on the legal wrangle of your issue, violation of First Amendment rights might take place. What you can do best would be to approach a HSLDA person, if they would be willing to help you out or would they be in a position to find you an appropriate attorney.

Are Home School Programs Right For Your Child?

Home school programs are the option for parents who feel public schools are deficient in prime education and in safety. The questions many people ask is, are home schooled kids lacking suitable socialization and what is the rewards and disadvantages from home schooling? Contrary to public-school children, children who are taught at home are not captives of a system of rules that could crush their self-esteem or their joy of learning.

Home taught children do not need to sit down silently in a school room of 30 or more additional pupils and act as though they enjoy being in that confined public school prison. Most of the kids in home school programs are smart and independent. Home schooling in addition affords the parent the chance to interact with the child extensively. Teaching preschool at home as well gives you a chance to encourage your child to enjoy learning

The procedure of formulating effective programs at home can be intimidating at the beginning, but is extremely worthwhile when you have your plans prepared. There are several techniques for home schooling a child, and the technique you decide on will determine your curriculum and your manner of teaching. Having your child learn responsibility is one of the end results of education whether it comes about in a normal school background or by home school programs.

There are many other things that have to be dealt with when teaching a child at home. For instance, lowering your costs is important to keep in mind if you're plan to be successful in the long-run. The presumption that springs to mind on the price of at home programs is that, they're expensive. The fact is, home schooling does not need to cost a lot. Whenever you buy used textbooks, you are able to cut down your cost substantially. There are a lot of places where you can find used items on the Internet.

A few home schoolers continue to buy resources, yet a fast growing list of parents reject traditional home school programs and adopt a more individualized approach to their child's training. You can ask your local schools about resource programs, suggested techniques for teaching your child at home and about whatever additional useful data they can give you.

The plan fact is, home schooling is something that's easily within the reach of anyone that would like to accept the obligation for their child's education. Therefore, whether you're interested in home school programs for the long run, or merely would like to ready your child for his or her school time, home school programs should commence prior to the child entering Kindergarten.

Home Schooling; A Viable Alternative to Conventional Education

Statistics show that elementary home schooling is the ideal time to start a home schooling program for a child. Children who enter home schooling during the elementary years are the students that tend to succeed the most. Throughout the course of their home schooling, these children will reach the highest level of academics when compared to the national average. Additionally, students who start young, often find themselves three to four grade levels above that of their public school peers.

On the other hand, high school home schooling can be extremely challenging. By the time a child reaches this level of education, they may be far too advanced in their educational needs to be taught by you. If that is the case, it will be necessary to seek out various resources that are available for home schooling. Online resources that provide both curriculums, and textbooks are available, which will allow a child to learn through the web. Classes can be held in a virtual classroom, students can use a web cam to participate, or they can be simply assessing lecture-based courses online as well.

Before considering a home school option, it is important to insure that the child’s current education is tested. This can be done right online through a series of tests. The tests will access the knowledge of a child, their weaknesses as well as strengths. This can then be used to help choose the right method and curriculum for a child’s needs.

There are many curriculums available for home schooling, and they can focus on the specific needs of the child. In the elementary levels, there is a wide range of course work. While it may be necessary to choose a program that fits with your state’s regulations, programs that are suited to what a child wants to learn should be considered as well. For many, this includes specific studies such as languages or Christian home schooling. It is important to take the time to choose the right home schooling package for you, and your child. This will allow you to learn more about the program, and to insure you know what is included as well as which methods are used for teaching it.

There are disadvantages of home schooling that must be considered. Many parents feel that the purchase of home schooling materials is too expensive. In some cases, the local or state government will help fund the home schooling, though this is not so in all areas. Some feel that the home-schooled child is not getting the social experience that they need to learn to work with other children and to then use later in life. While this is true to a certain level, it can be overcome by encouraging the child to play a sport or to be involved in community activity. Further, home school parents may end up feeling that they are not educated enough to teach their child. This apprehension is unfounded; there is a wide range of teacher resources to tap into, as well as forums. Besides, parents teach their children how to eat, behave, go to bed, it is an instinctive behavior.

Home schooling is an excellent bonding time for you and your child to share learning experiences together. The cons of home schooling do not outweigh the plusses. Elementary is the best time to get started with your child in the home schooling environment. They can reap the rewards of being at home with you, by working on a program designed for their needs and at the pace that they need, and they can find the value of all that home schooling can offer.

Your Role As the Home School Teacher and What It's Like

When it comes to home schooling, your role as the teacher is of utmost importance. You naturally are a good teacher for your kids so adapting to this role as home school teacher should be a natural gravitation. Your job is to educate your child on the subjects that they need to learn, all while being there as a parent to help and support your kids.

To keep your child stimulated in the activities of home schooling, you should teach your child in a way that interests him. This is where your role as parent comes in as you should know your child's likes and dislikes. Your patience with your child will have to be at a high level especially if they're at a young age, as you will have to give them time to learn and adapt to the materials taught to them.

If you ever feel like your teaching skills as a parent aren't up to par, then you should know that there are a ton of helpful home schooling resources readily available to you. You should use these home schooling guides to improve your skills as a teacher all while educating your child at the same time.

There packages, forums, libraries, and even virtual schools that can assist you with your home schooling endeavors. If you're a beginning home school teacher, you should take advantage of all of this helpful free information right now. There are also software available to track your child's progress and that will help to organize your lesson plans also.

Local support groups can be of immense help also. You will find other home school teachers who have a vast amount of experience and education that will sure to benefit you also. Once you've gotten the hang of things and have used all of the helpful free advice, then you will find that your home schooling jobs are streamlined and simple.

One thing that you do want to avoid however when home schooling is not to get tired of doing it. This is called "home school burnout" and it happens to a lot of home school teachers. This can occur for a number of reasons such as illness, an addition of a new family member, more responsibility, or the adapting change in the home schooling curriculum.

If you see that you cry for any reason or are lacking patience, then you may have this disorder. If you are burnt out about home school, the first thing you need to know is that it can be reversed. You want to lower your expectations and look for other things to try if something isn't working the way you want it to.

Whenever tension arises, take a break. You may need to check your style teaching and revamp them to suit your style. You should never schedule a lot of activities for your child just to help them get out and socialize. Having a depressed parent and a complaining kid is a bad mixture for home schooling.

You want to get as much support from your spouse as possible to try and help out with the situation. You may want to consider having your spouse check your child's homework as this will alleviate some of the responsibility that you have to endure.

These tips will help to end your home schooling burnout and get your on the right track to teaching your child while being happy at the same time. Good luck with your home school teachings.

Finding The Right Home School Program

There's no turning back now! We joined the ranks of the home school movement! We actually left behind the traditional brick and mortar school system. We did? Yikes! How the heck did I do this alone AND find the right path or "home school program" that was perfect for our family?

The biggest question was can I do this? Eek! I realized I was about to embark on a colossal voyage; full-time employment, full-time teacher, full-time mom! I'm so glad I didn't think how massive this thing was at the time (risking I'd chicken out once I realized the scope of this task all by my lonesome). I just decided to move forward and wing it. I had a "Mom the Builder" attitude. Once I made my mind up, I declared "I CAN do this... yes I CAN!" I was determined to move forward full speed and damn the torpedoes! I was resolved to stick with this as long as we were achieving positive results. We'd give it a year and make an assessment after that as to whether to continue.


A big factor we didn't consider, were the people in our life and whether they would support or interfere with this decision. We had to keep those who were unsupportive at bay. I was wise enough to understand, if we failed, we would have learned a valuable lesson and would be stronger from the experience. If we succeeded... all the better!

The next thing I needed to address were the "physical logistics." Where to set up the "classroom" and a comfortable workspace, while keeping "distractions" to a minimum. We opted to convert the master bedroom into a home office/classroom. It was spacious enough for both our needs. I could set up daily lessons and continue on my own work. Plus, I would be right there to give guidance and aid when it was needed. A perfect fit!

With the initial concerns tackled, next was finding the right program. I conducted extensive research to see what was available. Wow! I had no idea there was so much information out there on home schooling and home school programs. So much so, that it was a bit overwhelming. I didn't know which direction to head! I didn't know anyone PERSONALLY that home schooled their children. In fact, many of my friends and family thought I was insane! Their valid concerns were about "socializing". But it didn't stop us, because it felt right and I was open to implementing extra curricular activities to cover the "social" aspect.

I also contacted other families who had home school experience to get the pros and cons from their own journey. My internet research yielded all sorts of home school programs, including free and tuition programs, as well as Christian based curriculum programs. I had no idea there would be so much to choose from. I certainly had my work cut out for me!

After I concluded my research, we decided to try out the K12 program to see if it was the right one for us. It is an "accredited" chartered public school that provides all the tools found in a traditional brick and mortar public school arena. Over the years, they provided us (since the first grade) with a computer, printer, textbooks and the tools for each subject (science, math, literature, spelling, history, art and yes even music!) When we received our first shipment, it was like Christmas! The support we continue to receive from the school is commendable AND because we had to relocate from Arizona to Nevada (for employment reasons) we did not have to change curriculum. K12 is available tuition free in both states! Needless to say... this was a great choice for us.. big time! My child excels in school, is a grade ahead of her peers and an honor roll student at the top of her class!

Home School Tips, Part IV - How to Set Behavior Expectations and Manage Your "Classroom"

Giggling, tickling, whispering, and chatting--these behaviors are fine at home. But, when your kids are in school, then these behaviors are inappropriate. Because school occurs in the home, clarifying expectations without seeming contradictory can be difficult. How can you communicate rules in a way that is clear to your student?

As the fourth article in our series, this piece suggests ways of communicating expectations about behavior. In this article, you will find strategies to help you deal with discipline and classroom management in your home school.

SEPARATE. Make a clear distinction between class time and home time. Use a chime or other sound to signal the start of school. Use a timer to make breaks, snacks, and study hall exact. Also, use this instrument to signal the end of school. Making school and home time distinct will help your child transition into school-appropriate behavior.

LIST. Begin your semester by asking your student what rules are necessary to create a respectful and effective classroom. To this discussion, add your list of non-negotiable expectations. From these talks, draft a classroom charter. Now, you have an agreement--and a series of clear expectations--to which to refer.

AIM HIGH. Many classroom teachers say the following: "Start tough." "Don't smile until Christmas." "It's easier to get easier." However it is worded, holding your student to high standards is key. When she does not meet expectations, follow up with consequences. Do not waver and do not begin by cutting brakes. Doing either will undermine your authority and the integrity of your behavior policy.

BORROW A WHEEL. Don't reinvent it. Instead of creating your own discipline process from scratch, use that of other home schools and/or schools in your neighborhood.

STAY THE COURSE. Be sure to implement policies with consistency. If you say you are going to send your student to time out or cancel a trip, then do just that. Being consistent will make your student feel informed and fairly treated.

DEVELOP A CODE. Develop a code to signal that you want your student's attention. Counting backwards from five to one, ringing a bell, or turning down the lights are some tried and true methods to refocus your student.

RESPECT. In making the distinction between class time and home time, you should respect your child's leisure. Allows your student her non-school time. Resist the urge to talk about school on vacations, during television commercial, or at other non-school times.

Establishing behavior expectations for the school part of your home is a must. Otherwise, you run the risk of unruly class sessions. Use the tips above to help you outline and manage behavior and consequences in your home school.

Home Schooling in Your Motorhome

At first glance the terms "hitting the road" and "hitting the books" might appear mutually exclusive. But if you home school your children and have access to a motor home, read on.

Your one room school house on wheels.

One of major concerns of parents who decide to home school their children is that their child is not exposed to the wide array of mental stimuli encountered by children who participate in a more conventional education. Children who go to public and even private schools are exposed to many different cultures, personalities and diverse beliefs. However, children schooled in the home sometimes are not exposed to a wide variety of other children. Co-operative home schooling, which brings a number of families together to share the work in educating their children, helps somewhat but home schooled children still, may not experience the plethora of mental stimuli experienced by their more traditionally schooled counterparts. One way to ensure that your child has access to these stimuli is to pack up your motor home and hit the road.

Math Class

As you head down the highway in your one room school house on wheels, opportunities for teaching abound. In addition to the regular daily lesson plan, you can incorporate trip specific lessons into the daily work. For example, the math lesson begins when you stop at the neighborhood filling station to top off your tank. Consult the owners' manual of your motor home and find out the capacity in gallons of your fuel tank. If age and grade appropriate have your young student convert this measurement from gallons to liters. For younger children, a fun activity is to let them watch the pump through the RV window and count the gallons or even tenths of gallons that pour into your motor homes fuel tank. Of course with the current price of gasoline, this activity will be much more fun for them than for you.

Once you've filled your tank, get out the map and sit with your student to study your route. Consult your motor home's manual again and find how many miles per gallon you can expect to get. Help your young student compose a formula to find how far down the planned route you'll be able to travel before your motor home requires fuel again. You can help your child use the map to help navigate as you travel along. Plan a side trip at the spur of the moment. Ask your child to tell you how this side trip will affect your timetable and fuel bill?

History Lessons.

Plan your trip so that you follow an historical route. Follow the Trail of Tears, maybe the Oregon Trail. Travel the dusty path the cowboys rode in cattle drives from Texas to Dodge City, Kansas. If you've got the time, follow the route of Lewis and Clark or, explore the vast expanse of the Louisiana Purchase. What ever path you choose to follow, make sure you have plenty of supplemental materials for your young student to study. Many motor home parks have high speed internet available to their campers. At the end of each day, have your child connect to the Internet and gather information about the history of the places you've visited.

Social Studies

Take a trip through Appalachia. Venture some distance from the Interstate into the heart of some small town. Stop at a small store or local diner. Observe the people who live and work there. Listen to their accents or, eavesdrop on a conversation. There is no better way to discover how other people live than to explore these microcosms of America. You might even want to contact local parents who also home school their children and arrange a visit to learn more about each other and compare home school curriculums.

Other Destinations

Many home schooling co-operatives hold events at various motor home parks to compare and refine home school curriculums and provide new experiences for their home schooled students. An Internet search for these home school meet ups will yield many entertaining and informative events. If you choose to make one of these trips, be prepared to have a good time and be sure to bring your favorite covered dish.

Exercises such as these are entertaining and exciting to your child and if properly presented, your young student may not even realize he is in school. But remember, as entertaining, exciting and educational as these road exercises are, they are not a replacement for the well planned curriculum and lesson plans available to parents home schooling their children.

Home Schooling - Socialization and Personal Relations

Whether you are home schooling your child yourself, or in an online school, the question will inevitably come up about their socialization. You may hear this from relatives, friends or acquaintances. You may also have these nagging doubts yourself.

Socialization is a broad term. By this, does one mean that the student will not be exposed to diverse cultures, and nationalities? The implication here is that the home schooled student may not be prepared to cope with democracy in this country.

Dr. Brian Ray of the NHERI (National Home Education Research Institute) in 2003 studied the question of civic involvement of adults who had been home schooled. He found that twice as many home schooled adults were involved in civic organizations as public schooled adults. It was also found that 76% of home schoolers voted in the last 5 years compared to 35% of those not home schooled.

It seems to me that the larger question is the type of socialization that occurs in public school vs. home school. The development of social skills is mostly dependent on with whom one spends most of his time. In public school, this time is spent with same-age peers. Those taught at home are influenced by family members, clergy, and in controlled groups by coaches, dance teachers, and scout leaders.

The problem with peer dominated socialization is that children and teens are strongly influenced to "fit in" and be accepted by the other kids. This can be a dangerous form of pressure. Your child may become defiant to adults, use drugs or alcohol, join a gang, commit acts of violence and many other dysfunctional activities. Even with solid moral values at home, the child my ignore his conscience and put himself in danger.

Public schools attempt to counter these pressures by teaching children sexual health, "stranger danger", and "just say no to drugs". When the role models for behavior are other peers, and pressure is THAT powerful, these lectures will fall on deaf ears.

For high school aged kids, dating becomes an area of stress in traditional schools. Who is dating the athlete or cheerleader? The popularity of a teen's date for the dance is massively important. The social hierarchy among teens can become all encompassing. Then there is the pressure to be sexually active. This can lead to extremely mixed up values for our teens who are experiencing physical changes at the same time.

Parents should realize that a peer dominated social environment is temporary and abnormal, and will not resemble the complexity of life in our society after public school. In fact, the home schooled student with diverse activities, is living in a much more realistic social environment than the public schooled student.

Home School Diploma Equal to High School Diploma?

Parents have found that learning from the comforts of your own home can lead to a high-quality education tailored specifically to their children. And after all, one of the most oft-cited reasons for homeschooling is the opportunity to dictate your child's education.

Studying at home is for people who are determined to earn a diploma, but are unable to be in an actual school setting. Persons with disabilities, for example, or those who just do not have the time to go to school with its rigid time structure, all benefit from learning at home.

The main advantage of homeschool programs is the flexibility it provides to the student. You get to choose the topics you enjoy the most and learn at your own pace. However, the success of the program will ultimately depend on your level of motivation. Are you able to manage your time wisely? Are you able to commit whole-heartedly to the endeavor? Do you have the self-discipline that will allow you to earn that diploma even when you are just at home?

If you answered YES to all the questions above, then you may have what it takes to succeed. Here are some helpful guides on how to get a home school diploma:

1.) Have your educational level evaluated. Schools that offer home school or distance learning programs will give you a test to gauge your level of knowledge. They will assess you and give you suggestions on the courses you will need to take.

2.) Enroll in the school that offers you the most comprehensive education for the course of your choice. Check out your local community, they may offer distance learning programs too.

3.) Choose the subjects that you need to complete your curriculum. English and the social sciences with some math are the most basic courses. You can also get elective subjects and this will also add credit to your program.

4.) Follow the curriculum provided by studying and working online and earn credits. Most distance learning schools provide online access to lectures and seminars. You can follow them along with your book and be able to complete your homework. However, they may need to counter checked by your parents, or the school itself. But this totally depends on the curriculum that you enrolled in.

5.) After completing the required prospectus, submit yourself for a test at the school or at the local community you are enrolled in. You can also take the test online, which would be more convenient. After passing the tests, you now have your own home school diploma.

There are a lot of sacrifices before you can get your diploma by homeschooling. You must have strong self motivation to study and work the courses on your own. It is very easy to procrastinate because of the home environment. You may easily get distracted by the television, radio or the internet. Or you would be tempted to go on a weekend out of town trip with your friends even though you are on a deadline for a book report. Since you are working at your own pace, you will tend to be complacent about your school responsibilities.

If you think that getting a home school diploma is a breeze, then think again. This needs your undivided attention. If you are not 100% committed to the program, then you should save yourself from the trouble of enrolling and spending for your school tuition. But if you have this fervent dream of earning a degree, then go ahead and enroll.

Having your kids get their homeschool diploma may not be a cakewalk, but according to most home-shooling parents, it's well worth it. Prepare yourself for a long ride of self sacrifices. For according to Colin Powell, "A dream doesn't become a reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination and hard work."

Pro and Cons of Home Schooling

Home schooling is a popular way to educate children all around the globe for a variety of reasons. Main home schooling pros and cons follow.


Level of Learning - Too many people think that those children who are home schooled will not receive appropriate levels of education compared to students learning in public and private schools. On the contrary, parents of home scholars work with their local boards of education, principals and / or other educational consultants to ensure they are meeting the requirements set forth.

Socialization - Another negative viewpoint is that those students who are studying at home do not get to mingle enough with their peer groups and other instructors, administration and school personnel and teachers. And that's just hogwash. Students at home meet with others in home school groups to tour all types of local and far away places that coordinate with their study plans. And equally if not more important, home school students are introduced to real life people throughout their days: bankers, grocers, and other professionals introduced through their program studies and real life as they go around on errands with parents.

Lack of Routine / Regimented Days - Some view a lack of disciplined hours Monday through Friday with home schooled students as negative. However, many home school parents establish routines at home, too. Children are not left haphazardly running around the streets unattended.

Lack of Real World Environment & Prep- And still others believe that home schooled children will lack environmental and other preparation for real life that public and private school supposedly teach their students. Again, more hogwash. Home schooled children learn science, technology, music, gym, any and all subjects - only more thoroughly, because they are focusing on what they are learning, not being bored with subjects taught over and over to help slower paced learners so that everyone is up to speed.


Private for Less Money - A home school education is like enjoying private education without the cost. Students get more one-on-one help, targeted lessons and advanced learning opportunities as their teachers do not have to teach to all levels, often covering lower-learning levels that bore more average and advanced learners.

Improved Targeted Subjects - lessons in the home school environment are also to be customized much more easily than those in public and private school. Results include much higher levels of education with targeted useful knowledge to help students after graduation.

Higher Grades - Home schooled students are known to average much higher grades than their peers in public and private schools. Many get accepted to top colleges and universities on scholarships.

Boredom Busters - Home schooling allows students to move ahead to better topics.

Should You Home School Your Special Needs Child?

In this article I am going to tell you what you need to consider when it comes to home schooling your special needs child. The reason I am going to tell you this is because people generally tend to have very definite opinions on home schooling and as a parent of a special needs child, this may be an option you wish to consider.

In this article I am going to teach you

  • What a home school is all about
  • What are the advantages for your special needs child?
  • What are the disadvantages for your special needs child?
  • How to decide if this is a viable option for your special needs child

Home schooling allows parents or carers the legal option of having their children tutored at home and not in a formal school setting. This is carried out for a variety of reasons, many of which simply boil down to the matter of personal choice. This is also a choice that applies for special needs children.

For those who prefer to have their children taught at home, they cite a number of reasons for preferring the home school option over attendance at a formal school. These include medical reasons where a child may be too ill to attend school or prone to infections he or she may catch from others in a school setting.

A child may have behavioural or emotional problems which would cause distress to them in a school with many others. The child may be a slow learner and not be able to "keep up" with other students in a classroom setting.

Parents may also lack confidence that the school will be able to meet their special needs child educational needs or may not approve of the way the curriculum is taught.

Other reasons for educating at home include religious beliefs, distance to the school, anti social behaviour in the school and potential effects of peer pressure on their impressionable child.

The main reasons cited for those who disprove of the home schooling route include not being qualified to teach, wanting their kids to have lots of friends and learn socialization skills and having their kids integrated into system that will give them the same advantages and access to resources as everyone else.

Only you as parent or principal caregiver to a special needs child can decide if providing a home school environment for your child is a viable option.

You may have strong beliefs either way but just try to detach yourself from these beliefs and think about and ask advice from reputable people who are pro and anti home schooling before making an informed decision.

What To Expect In A Home-School Environment?

Home-school is the term given to the education of a child at home. This is usually given by parents and rarely by tutors. This method of education is very popular in US and many parents opt this way of education for their children rather than choosing regular public and private schools. The reason for choosing a home school might be different for different parents. These might be due to academic results of their children, issues with the environment of regular schools or there might be some religious issues.

If you are thinking of a home-school for your child, then expect it be a good one. You cannot create a utopian environment but still an excellence level can be achieved. If you want to cultivate the success-need in your child then dress the success the way you think will be achievable by your kid.

Do not think that once you have set a room for your child as a home-school he/she will study in that like school going children. It might not work out this way. There are number of distraction available in any house for kids to get off the track. Try removing most of the distraction if not all.

Whatever you plan might not be exactly the way you have thought it to be. If you have made a schedule and you think it will be strictly followed, it will not be the case. Normally the prevailing home environment is an obstacle in doing so. Always expect that you might need to either change that or add flexibility to that schedule.

If a parent is teacher which is very common in home-schooling then you need to be little strict with the rules. You might someday feel like parent instead of teacher as this is a human psychology. Do not miss out the point that this might waste your day or two in your scheduling.

You might lose the passion that you had first started the school for your child. When it becomes the part of your routine that might get little boring for you. It might not be equally interesting for you as it was for very first few days. In such a case you will have to put double of your management skills.

Apart from the academic work you can involve your child in different home jobs. You might feel over burdened at any time when you have to look after home and kid's schooling at home as well. At this point you can involve your child with you in different work which would utilize your time and train your kid as well. You can involve him/her in laundry work or in the kitchen in various ways. This will be an additional point for your child.

You can constantly keep on bringing change in the routine by adding new activities from time to time. Home-school involves both types of schooling including education and personality training for your kid. You should create some balance in between all this.

What to Consider When Deciding Whether to Home School Your Children

So what does it take to home school your child or children?  If you are at the stage of considering home schooling your children then read on as I am going to cover some of the considerations that you need to bear in mind when making this decision.

First of all there is the time that it takes and by this you need to think not only about the time you are teaching but the time spent preparing.  Unless you are lucky enough to have someone else to do all the household chores then you will find they don't all magically disappear so you need to find time to fit them in as well.  I guess this leads on to the fact that you really need to ensure that both parents, if they are around, are committed to home schooling to make it work.

Home schooling will generally mean that one parent is out of the workforce and the financial implications of this need to be considered.  It also means that this person will spend literally 24/7 with the children or close to it.  Time for themselves will be restricted.  For some people this is seen as a wonderful opportunity, for others this may seem oppressive, it is another factor to consider and see how you feel.

Another of the other more obvious issues is that of socialisation.  One of the benefits of home schooling can be that you will have more control over who your child socialises with.  Obviously it is very important that they socialise with other kids on a regular basis and do not become isolated.

Finally, and importantly, the child must be a willing participant.  You will face increasing difficulties if you are trying to teach a child who is resisting so it is important to discuss plans with the children involved.

Well if you have read all of that and are still wondering whether all that sacrifice is worth it then lets look at some of the benefits for you and your child.  First of all home schooling does not need to be constrained by certain hours or locations.  Visits to zoo's, museums, galleries and so on can be included frequently and can stimulate and provide all sorts of learning.

Children are natural learners and as many parents can attest to, spend many hours asking question after question to understand various issues.  With home schooling you are able to tailor your activities to the interests of the child.  For instance if their interest is with butterfly's then you can have maths lessons that involve counting butterflies, spelling and grammar exercises that revolve around butterfly related topics and so on.  You can set the pace of lessons and their timing to suit the child and their speed of learning and concentration levels.

Home Schooling can be an extremely rewarding and exciting activity as you watch your child develop and enjoy learning however it does not come without what some would see as drawbacks and these need to be assessed before you make the decision.  If you go ahead then a quick Google search should reveal the authorities requirements in your area or country.  For most countries you need to be registered and able to display some sort of plan for what you will be doing.

There are many reasons for going down the path of home schooling.  I think one last thing to remember is that it doesn't have to be a forever decision.  If you child is home schooled for a period it doesn't mean that they can never go school.

Happy Teaching

Educate Yourself About Home Schooling

Making the important decision to home school your children is not one to be taken lightly as there are many considerations to think of first as well as specific requirements to be followed to ensure your child receives the education they so rightly deserve.

Getting Started with Home Schooling

The prospect of home schooling is often a daunting one for many parents who simply don't know where to begin. However, it really doesn't have to be stressful but rather an enjoyable experience to cherish throughout your child's school age years and beyond.

The first task is learning of the legal position regarding education in the area you live. Although home schooling is completely legal, some states require that a certain number of hours or days be spent schooling. Most states have no requirements in regard to the parent's educational background, meaning you will not need a college degree to teach your child at home.

Once you have the technical aspects taken care of it's time to set goals and decide how your schedule will be. Will you keep regular school hours or work on more flexible level? This schedule doesn't have to be set in stone right away, but it is a good idea to have at least a loose guideline to follow especially in the beginning when it's often easy to stray from the task at hand.

You will also need to choose a method, or two or three, of teaching your children from home from the large number of various styles used by home schooling parents.

Different Methods and Styles of Home Schooling

Perhaps one of the absolute best things about home schooling is the opportunity to explore different methods and styles of teaching. In traditional school, a classroom is usually filled with 20 to 30 children, all of whom have their own way of learning along with individual strengths and weaknesses. It's simply not possible for teachers to spend one-on-one time with each child, working with them to iron out any problems they're having while focusing on their strong points.

With home schooling, the parent has the unique chance of observing their child's learning capacity and abilities and then tailoring their method of teaching and curriculum accordingly. Eclectic home schooling is a term coined to describe picking and choosing from all the various methods and types of teaching used by parents, guardians, and educators today.

Cottage schools and resource centers are something relatively new to the world of home schooling, but these "mini-schools" are popping up all over the nation. Also, cooperative home schools, where families or groups of people band together to educate the children at one time, are also quickly gaining in popularity around the world. With this method, parents pool their talents together and use their expertise for teaching small groups of children at a time.

This is also ideal for socialization and expanding a child's capacity to learn as they are also exposed to different cultures, ideas, and thoughts. Other options for home schooling your children include tutoring, participating in umbrella schools, which include distance learning programs, cyber schools, charter school, and independent study programs.

How to Handle Criticism of Home Schooling

I went to the home school store yesterday to purchase some curriculum for our new school year. In our city, that's one of the best places to meet and socialize with other home schooling families.

We're starting our sixth year of home schooling, so not much fazes me anymore, but one mother there was just starting her second year, and her children were still quite young.

She was frustrated because for her, another year of home schooling meant another year of friends and family criticizing her choice to educate her children at home. She was the only person in her group of friends who home schooled, and her family wasn't supportive either.

She felt very alone, but the truth is, almost every family who home schools faces these same criticisms and challenges. In fact, after fives years of successful home schooling, people still ask me when I'm going to send my children to a "real" school!

If you're feeling alone in your home school journey, it's very important to connect with other home schooling families. You can ask if your local library or church offers programs for home schoolers. Find out if there are any support programs in your area. Home schooling is a wonderful lifestyle, but it can be difficult to go it alone. Make sure you get the support you need.

When you're with people who question your decision to teach your children at home, try not to bring the topic up. I used to talk about the things we were doing as part of my children's education, but people would either not listen to what I said, or else they would criticize our activities - which only discouraged me more.

The most important thing you can do when you're faced with criticism about home schooling is teach your children at home the very best you can. When people see how well-adjusted and happy your children are, over time they will discover for themselves that home schooling really was the right choice for your family.

And perhaps they will consider it as an option for their family too.

Home Schooling And The Effects On The Family

Once upon a time home schooling was rare. The only parents who took their children out of the state education were generally seen as irresponsible and to the outside world looked like they were trying to make a radical statement - as if they were making a declaration of independence from the rest of the school system.

How times have changed. According to the National Centre For Education Statistics, almost 1.1 million children underwent home schooling in 2005 alone. That's a lot of children and great progress for parents advocating the right to teach their children from home.

Back in the 80's the conservative Christians campaigned for the rights to home schooling and thanks to their hard work the benefits of home schooling was recognised and eventually legalized in every State. Nowadays the typical home schooler is not religiously motivated and comes from all walks of life and backgrounds.

A Protection From Negative Influences

Parents take the decision to home school their children for so many different reasons. Recent surveys indicate that parents are actually fed up of the public school system where much of the learning is seen as superficial and compulsory.

Another major concern for parents is the negative impact the school environment has on their children ranging from drugs and bullying to negative peer pressure.

As a result, we now see a surprising mix of people who form the home schooling scenario that we see today. They literally come from all religious, social and economic backgrounds and they all have one thing in common: quite simply they want to provide meaningful and productive learning through a method that has a positive effect on the whole family unit.

Home schooling strengthens the bond between all members of the family.

Families who choose to home school their children generally have an enduring commitment to the sanctity of childhood. The children in these families tend to be the number one priority!

Home schooling allows parents to bring up children in a more natural and loving environment. It is a protection from bullying and other harmful influences. Public schools can make children nervous, difficult and even downright mean. Children who are taught at home are protected from these damaging negative influences, at least until they reach an age where they can handle it.

Home schooling involves the whole family and unites it. Everyone is put to work. The parents together form a close and unique bond with the children and vice versa. Any experience throughout the day can be turned into an educational experience. Even watching a movie together can become a learning experience. Trips to the libraries and other places become educational as well as recreational. All of these experiences make learning much more enjoyable for the child.

Because so much time is spent together, both the parents are aware of exactly what is going into their child's head and heart. It also allows parents to have greater control on the kind of religious and moral values that they want their child to develop.

Home Schooling And The Positive Challenges

Even financial challenges can have a positive effect. Home schooling families are often dependent on the income of one earning member. That means that spending often has to be limited and the family work from a set budget. This helps to bring the family members together and everybody gets involved in the process of saving money.

It is not hard to see that having a parent at home to supervise, nurture and care for the children brings with it a lot of love and caring. Although one parent may be more involved with the schooling, particularly if the other parent has to work full time, you will find that both parents are automatically involved and there is no room for boredom.

It would be naïve to think that home schooling is all plain sailing. Of course problems can crop up, and on occasions you might sometimes wonder if you have made the right decision. However, when you look at the benefits and see what a positive, happy effect it has on your kids you will see that the sacrifices and challenges are well worth it.

The knowledge that you are there at all times for your children and for them to know that they can always rely on you to offer protection and guidance will confirm to you that you have made the right decision. Home schooling truly becomes a richly rewarding experience for the whole family.