7 Questions to Ask About Home Schooling
Home schooling is a choice many thousands of families have made as the educational option for their children. What is it? And, is it for you? I'm sure lots of questions have been raised if you're leaning in this direction for your kids. Now is certainly the time to ask those questions. It's best to be informed and do your research before committing to this option. Here are some questions that you may want to ask yourself:
1. Home Schooling, What is it? Home schooling is a very diverse choice of education available today. It has the flexibility for families to create a wide variety of options for their children. While teaching the basic subjects, time can be directed towards additional areas of study based on the child's interests and ability. Parents can pick and choose materials to help their kid's individual personalities. It can be as unique or as structured as you'd like, whatever works for your family.
2. Who is Home Schooling? Everyone is home schooling, that is everyone who makes that choice. There are families everywhere that have made this decision for their children's education.
3. Why Home School? Every family has their reasons for choosing an alternative education for their kids today. Many families initially taught their children at home because of religious reasons, but the majority of why families make this choice today is basically academic reasons. There's a lot of concern for negative peer pressure, drugs and violence too. Every family has to make that decision based on their situation. Many kids want more than the public school has to offer kids today. They want more education and more ways to explore issues further. They want more than the basics.
4. Is Home Schooling Expensive? It can range in price from very little to a lot depending on what type of studies you plan to explore with your child. There are hundreds, if not thousands of free resources available to families today. Free public resources like museums, libraries, the Internet or second-hand educational supplies are excellent places to collect information. It's up to you how much you spend on your child's educations.
5. Can I Work while I Home School my Child? Yes, you definitely can work while teaching your child. Many families do have one parent focused on the education of their kids. Others have chosen the option of telecommuting positions or flex-time with their current job. This has given them the opportunity to accomplish working and educating their kids at home.
6. What are Some Advantages of Home Schooling? One of the greatest benefits above all others is the increased quality of time you'll be spending together as a family. This increased time together naturally creates a tighter bonds between siblings and parents. Flexibility is a huge advantage of teaching your kids at home, since how and what is learned is decided completely by what works for your family. And, you make those decisions.
7. What are Some Disadvantages? The biggest disadvantage would be for adjusting to loss of income. You need someone at home part-time at a minimum to direct your child's learning. There are ways to accomplish this though, if you really want it. It's all about give and take, and what works for your family.
There are many more questions to ask if you're planning to home school your child. This is a good place to start though. If you get your questions answered first, it will be easier to make an informed decision about your choice to home school or not. After all, your child's education is worth it!
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