How To Proceed If You Want To Home School
Several different research studies have established that home schooling has benefits which simply are not available to children in the US public school system, and those parents in a position to do so may want to home school beginning as quickly as they can. For those who do want to home school, finding the best way to begin is essential.
Doing research into your state's home schooling requirements is the best way to get started if you want to home school. There are eight states which have not requirements whatsoever, and if you live in one of them you do not even have to notify your school district of your intention to home school. But other states have quite strict requirements about home schooling curriculum, testing, attendance reports, and lesson plans.
Use The Internet
You should be able to find a state or local group with all the information on home schooling requirements on the Internet, and you can also join some home schooling parent support groups and post your questions on their online forums.
By reaching out to other home schooling parents when you have decided that you want to home school, you will gain from their experience and learn from their mistakes. You will learn what paperwork, if any, is required by your school district, and how to avoid truancy charges if you choose to remove your children from the public school system.
When you have finished getting your questions answered, and if you still want to home school, you will have to set up a curriculum and lesson plans for your children. Some states require that your curriculum include math, science, language arts, and history or civic studies; as long as you cover those subjects for the necessary length of time each day, you and your kids are free to define your own educational experiences.
The Freedom Of Home Schooling
You can schedule you school days any way you like; you can space your classes an hour or two apart; and you can set up field trips related to your current studies any time it is convenient. You can find you children's optimal learning speed, and let them advance at their own paces. You can let you children pick an extra topic for study that is of particular interest, whether it's something they saw in a movie or on TV, or it's something they found in the back yard.
You will learn that it's not unusual for your children to sail through some subjects and struggle with others, and the beauty of home schooling is that they do not have to force themselves to "keep up" with an artificial standard of progress. You'll be able to spend as much time as you need on one subject, until they have mastered it.
If you have considered all your options for educating your children, and decided that you want to home school [], get ready for the adventure of a lifetime, and expect to learn even more than your kids!
There are many things to do before you decide to home school your child, but once you do, you will be offering them the best education they can get.
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