Home Schooling - Coping With Frustration, Stress and Burnout

There is no doubt that most children can benefit greatly from home schooling; not just academically, but emotionally, morally and culturally as well. Parents that home school have great control over the moral and spiritual input the child receives, while providing an invaluable family bonding experience and an academic program second to none. Moms and Dads (and grandparents!) who commit to the experience of home schooling for their children are to be applauded!

It is a commitment, to be sure. It takes strength of will and conviction of purpose to maintain the patience necessary to grow a little one in a consistent manner through the formative years of his/her life. But in the end, the outcome is more than worth it. Not only does the child receive what can only be described as a brilliant head start on life, but the parent is awarded with a sense of purpose in knowing that they have added to another's quality of life. These parents are assured that they have done the right thing.

Sometimes, however, even the most dedicated home schooling parents can find themselves worn out, burned out, and questioning their own dedication. For one thing, even if a parent has the gift and talent of teaching, they are usually only completely knowledgeable in one or two subjects. What happens when one is great at spelling, vocabulary, and English, but finds math or science more of a challenge? It can cause understandable frustration in both student and parent.

Or suppose one is an extremely adept teacher, but there is another child in the household who is sick, has an outing, or just needs some concentrated parental attention. Or perhaps a spouse is becoming disappointed that all the energy and attention seem to be going to the child, leaving them feeling lonely and left out. Or maybe there are days when life just plain old intervenes, and the schooling must be set aside. In these circumstances, a parent, even a dedicated one, can be left feeling stressed and pulled at from both ends.

What can a home schooling parent who finds her or himself in these circumstances do? Especially when sending the child to traditional school is not the answer on desires?

Support and play groups serve a vital role in keeping the home schooling parent sane and dedicated. And these days, with home schooling now so prevalent, there are groups to be found in almost every community. The internet also has many home school groups, forums and blogs that can be a great source of encouragement to home school parents.

In addition, the available DVD programs for home schooling can be a great plus to the home schooling parent, especially if there is more than one child that needs attention, or if there are older children in home schooling. A DVD program can also assist in providing a quality and consistency of education that may be hard to come by when a parent is teaching alone. And the diploma provided by a reputable, accredited DVD program is a source of esteem and pride. As well as being valuable in obtaining entrance to college or university.

Parents of home schoolers must realize that they do not need to be superwomen and men to make a big difference. And that they do not have to take on this task completely alone; there are support sources out there for them: in other parents, in support groups both locally and on the internet, and in quality DVD programs.

Most of all, home school parents can encourage themselves with the fact that they are performing a great and invaluable service that will benefit their children throughout their lives. Maybe, even, the most priceless service that is available in the world today.

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