Home Schooling - How Exactly Does It Work?
In this second article about Home Schooling we're going to discuss exactly how home schooling works.
The most logical question about home schooling would have to be, "How can a student learn when there is not a trained professional teacher there to teach the student?" The truth is, most people are so convinced that the traditional method of teaching is the only way that works, that they can't possibly imagine home schooling being successful.
In truth, home schooling is different for every family. Because there is no traditional classroom each family is free to educate it's child the way they feel is best, within reason of course as you want to make sure the child is properly prepared to be able to go out in the world and handle whatever job or profession he or she is interested in pursuing.
One method that families use is where they take the child's interest and curiosity in a subject and help the child explore the subject. The idea is that there are opportunities to explore many subjects like math, science, history, geography, English and many others. By encouraging a child's normal curiosity eventually all the subjects that would be taught in a conventional classroom get covered.
Another method that families use is that they buy all the books and supplies that a school would buy and follow a normal school curriculum. The material is simply taught at home in a small setting instead of in a large classroom. The theory behind this is that the child is not distracted by his surroundings, feels more comfortable at home and therefore can concentrate better on his studies.
The question many people ask is, "Do children really learn anything in a home schooling setting?" Statistics show that, at least at the college level, students do very well. Obviously this depends on the student and the family. Some children work very well on their own and can actually accelerate beyond a normal work load. Others don't have as easy a time and must take things at a slower pace. That's one of the great advantages of home schooling as each child can go at his own pace.
The majority of critics feel that a home schooled child will be at a disadvantage when applying for college admission or a job because they don't have an official diploma to fall back on. The actual truth is that most colleges and employers are willing to look past that if the child can demonstrate a skill in a more personalized way. Many colleges encourage applications from home schooled children because they feel the child will be more well rounded and therefore help to form a more dynamic and diverse student body.
When all is said and done it basically comes down to the student. One student who would be a straight A student in a traditional classroom could totally bomb out trying to learn at home because they don't have the structure that they need. Another student who would be lost in a traditional classroom because he can't keep up with the mandatory pace would be a great home schooled student because he would be able to take things at his own pace and might even, in the long run, become better educated than his traditionally schooled peers.
The debate will surely go on.
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