Home Schooling: Things To Consider
While the idea of home schooling has some very strong points in its favor, it is not an endeavor to be entered into lightly. Home schooling will require a total commitment from the teaching parent, who will have to be personally present for all the experiments, reports, and lessons each day; prepare the week's lessons; take the kids on relevant field trips; and even supervise recess. Home schooling offers no teacher's lounge to which one can escape for some adult conversation and sympathetic ears.
What To Expect
Most state home schooling statutes require that a parent spend at least four and one-half hours a day home schooling; while not all of that will be in actual teaching, it does require that you be present in case your children have difficulty with a lesson. So you'll have to find a way to work in some alone time, and time for your spouse or partner if there is one present in your home.
While home schooling will certainly not cost a great deal of money, it can mean the difference between being a one-income, and two-income family. And home schooling means that even when you and you kids are not in the home classroom, you'll have to be making the effort to see to their social development. You'll need to take the initiative in scheduling group activities like scouting, church groups, or after-school play dates with other kids. On the other hand, because you are home schooling, you'll have much more control on the kinds of activities to which your children are exposed.
Will Home Schooling Work For Your Child?
The person whose cooperation is absolutely essential if you are to succeed at home schooling is, of course, your child. If your child has been having a difficult time academically or socially in a public school, you job may be much easier. If, on the other hand, you are pulling him or her out of a situation which you see as unhealthy, but which was your child's entire world, you may have a struggle on your hands. But you can always promise that you will only try home schooling for a year. If it simply doesn't work, return your child to public school.
There's no great mystery to teaching, and especially to teaching your kids: you've been doing it since they were born. If you are literate, you can home school [http://www.homeschoolresults.com/Articles/Florida_Home_Schooling.php]; and if you are in need of guidance as to the best techniques, there are numerous home schooling manuals and teacher lesson plans to help you. If you can't teach math because you never understood math, get a certified math tutor to step in.
The luxury of having one-on-one attention when they are learning, coupled with a realistic social schedule of enjoyable activities, will give your children the best educational experience they are ever likely to have, and all from the comfort of home!
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