Calvert Home School
Many parents decide to embark on home schooling their children without realizing the amount of effort that will be involved. Any parent thinking of starting out on this course should do a great deal of research to understand what they are getting into and be sure of their abilities to handle it. There is a vast variety of home school programs that can be of great help to parents in providing them with curricula for their children's study, test and work books, resource material and teaching guides all of which help to ensure that the parents' educational goals for their children are met. One of the most popular secular options is the Calvert home school. It offers a "classroom in a box" curriculum that is suited for most children, challenges them and is easy for the parents to use.
Calvert home school has been in existence for about a hundred years, which attests to both the popularity and the success of the program. What stands out about the program is that it is designed to make learning interesting and fun and not just a task that has to be performed. Because of this, there is less pressure on the parents to get their children to sit down and study. One of the problems with home school is often that of discipline. In a regular school the teacher is the symbol and exerciser of authority. In the home school the parent has to be both the parent and the teacher and the exercise of discipline and authority by a person wearing two hats can become confusing for both parent and child. The Calvert home school is designed to alleviate this problem to a large extent.
Calvert home school is designed so that a child moves seamlessly from one level (or grade) to the next with no big jumps or new grade based new syllabus to start on. Each level of learning is just one more layer placed on top of the previous one so the progress is smooth. While most home school programs allow children to learn at their own pace, the Calvert home school is especially flexible in this way and puts no pressure on either the student or the parent. At the same time it is challenging enough to keep children mentally alert and allows for progress to be measured so that parent swill know which are their children's weak areas so they can place extra emphasis on them.
The Calvert home school works in two ways. There is the normal text book and teaching guide system that is common to all home school programs. There is also the option of using the internet based Calvert home school program where classroom type teaching is done by an online teacher. This is particularly useful for parent who have their own weak areas and subjects they are not properly equipped to teach. This option also offer parents the facility of submitting work online for an external teacher to evaluate.
Beside its high academic standards in all subject, the Calvert home school curriculum is noted for it emphasis on literature and reading where great works of literature are an integral part of the syllabus.
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