Letting Your Kids Benefit From Home Schooling in Georgia
The overcrowded classrooms, schoolyard violence, and access to illegal drug which has been making inroads into the Georgia public school system in recent years has many Georgia parents looking at the requirements for home schooling in Georgia. They would much rather take the time away from their own interest and activities to ensure that their children are getting a safe and adequate education than send them into a public school environment which is seeing many of its students fail to graduate.
Every state in the US allows home schooling, and has established curriculum standards to which parents must adhere; but because more families are practicing home schooling in Georgia, the restrictions on them are somewhat less stringent than those on parents in other states.
Starting The Home Schooling Process
The first step you should take in preparing for home schooling your child in Georgia is to notify your school district superintendent that you intend to do it. You will have to repeat this process each year that your child is being home schooled. And you must then plan a curriculum and daily lesson plans which are the equivalent of those used for public school children in the same grade as your child.
If you would like to home school your child, you can start by notifying the superintendent of their school district that their child will be home schooled. This has to be done for every year of home schooling. Additionally, you must also create and maintain lesson plans for a curriculum that is on par with your child's grade level.
To meet the requirements for home schooling in Georgia, you'll have to keep a daily log of your child's work, and do a full review at the end of each school year. Because the school district superintendent has the right to review you logs and annual review, it's recommended that you keep your old ones for at least three years. You are also required to school your child for, at the minimum, four and one-half hours daily, and submit a proof of your child's attendance to the school district each month.
Requirements For Home Schooling In Georgia
You're not required to have any teaching experience, or even a degree in education, to qualify to home school your children. If you decide to hire a tutor to home school your children in Georgia, however, the tutor will have to have a teaching certificate. And your school district will provide you with manuals to assist you, as well as give you referrals to home schooling experts who can offer guidance if you run into any obstacles.
Home schooling in Georgia will give you a marvelous opportunity to help share your child's mind and to share in the excitement of every new discovery in a way you never could by sending him or her to a public school. But you will have to exercise patience and discipline, and be flexible. Educating your children may test your good humor at times, but it will also be the greatest adventure of your life!
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