The Drawbacks of Home Schooling

Choosing to home school children can is an option for a variety of different reasons. Parents may have specific religious beliefs, not agree with curriculums of both public and private schools, or parents are just do-it-yourselfers. However, there are many undeniable drawbacks to home schooling that can hinder a child's future and development.

There are other parts of attending school rather than getting the garden variety knowledge found in most schools. Going to school and being around other children and adults is a way in which children develop their social skills. In often cases, children who are home schooled will be reclusive adults when they get older because they have not built good people skills.

Another drawback to home schooling is that children do not have the change to go out for any school sports teams. This being part of the social skills arguments, by not competing with others will serve to make children too passive. Also, not playing sports or joining school clubs will produce a person who is not conducive to working on a team.

Parents that choose to have children home schooled also may not be as good of teachers as real teachers. For this reason, it may hinder a child's chances at a higher education if they do not graduate from an accredited high school. Parents who home school their children make it harder for the children to get into college.

The drawbacks of home schooling are glaring problems that can be fixed but require much extra effort on the parents behalf. When choosing to home school, parents deny their children of social skills development, they deprive them of teamwork situations, and the level of education may not be up to standards. It today's society, attending a regular school program is a more acceptable avenue for a child's education.

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