Six Important Reasons Why You Should Home School Your Child
The advantages to home schooling your child are many. However, in a society saturated by modern technologically, over-population and an increasing loss of morals, it becomes essential to consider an alternative and more nurturing way to educate your child.
So let's find out why home schooling your child can be the best decision you'll ever make.
You will use up to date material
In computing, Moore's Law states that a computer's processor speed doubles approximately every two years and with it technology also changes. This has accounted for the flourishing of technology in our time. What this means with regards to your child's education is that with all these new discoveries a school's curriculum will just not be able to keep up.
But when you home school your child; you can include any and all new material in their course work, essentially making sure that they are always ahead of the curve.
You can plan strategically for your child's future
We have recently seen dramatic changes in the economies all over the world, and what was important to our generation, has suddenly become defunct. When you are home schooling your child, you will be able to strategically steer their education towards the best outcome for them.
Tailor your curriculum to suit your family's style or beliefs
When you are home schooling your child or children, you are able to tailor your curriculum to suit your family's lifestyle and belief systems. If you desire to provide your child with a religious based education or an un-schooling teaching model, or you simply want to steer your child in a musical or art direction, then home schooling is definitely a good option for you.
Follow your child's interests and nurture them
In the home school environment you will be able to observe your child closely and will know what their interests and talents are. You will be able to then nurture and develop these talents; something that is not considered of great importance in an overcrowded school classroom.
Schools are designed around a one-size-fits-all mentality
By their very nature schools are a one-size-fits-all affair and don't take any individual skill, talent or interest into account, especially if it is not on the school's curriculum. Yet we are all individuals with individual abilities and talents and most of these will be lost by the time your child leaves school. In the home school classroom your child will be able to set the pace and the direction of their studies without fear of being scolded, ignored or even worse, ridiculed.
Spend more time on the basics
When you are home schooling your child, you will know what their strengths and weaknesses are and they will not have to keep up with any other children. You can thus spend much longer on the basics ensuring that any future education is built on a solid foundation.
I can really go on and on listing the reasons and benefits why you should consider home schooling your child. However, this is a very personal decision and all I can say is that I personally have done it (and am doing it) with great success.
There is nothing as rewarding as watching your 5 year old (or whatever age your child happens to be) read their first book and know that it was your efforts that got them there.
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