Questions Parents Have About Home-Schooling
Many people questioning if they should home-school their children consider the following questions.
How will my child be able to socialize if he is home-schooled?
Many people get caught into this trap: believing social interaction will suffer. This is not true. The fact is: many public schools allow home-schooled children to attend school dances, play in extracurricular activities. This means that a child could play on the school's football team etc. Also, most towns (even the small towns) have home-school meetings with the parents and the children. This is another great way to share ideas, questions, and concerns about home-schooling. Children during this time get to hang out together during the meetings and socialize. The park board for the city or town also provides great ways for children to socialize and learn about working as a team. Also, most home-schooling programs contain group work. The group work involves the children problem solving and generally working together on a large project.
Are the children only in home-school programs dropouts?
Many parents think that their children may associate with only dropouts if they are home-schooled. This is not true. In this day and age many parents enroll their children for a variety of reasons. Some of the reasons parents enroll their children in home-school are: children can do their professional sports or careers, parents get more control over the values and ideals instilled into their children just to name a few. Another important factor is parents living in the country can now offer their children a variety of extra courses that are not offered due to budget constraints or not finding qualified teachers.
In Conclusion, deciding between home-schooling or sending a child to public or private school can be very difficult. This article dives into the question of socialization in and out of school and what type of students are home-schooled.
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