Is Your Child Suitable For Home Schooling and Are You Suitable For Home Schooling Your Child?
If you are thinking about home schooling your child, you should first see if your child is suitable for that kind of education. Need for home schooling can be due to the illness or disability of the child, because of the religion, if school is too far from your home or if you are not pleased with the education that your child receives in public school.
Having your child educated at home is necessary if your child is disabled. If you live in small town and there is no special school where your child can go, than you must home school your child. This is a situation where you do not have a choice about whether or not you think you can teach your child. In this case, the most important thing is to give a proper education to your child and prepare him/her for life as well as you can.
Religion makes people decide, very often, to home school their children because that way they can control influences from other people who do not share their beliefs. This is about the freedom of every individual to live his/her life as he/she wants and to teach his/her child what he/she thinks is right as long as that does not endanger other people's lives. In this case, it is important to do some side activities where children can socialize because they are isolated from children of their age.
Parents are forced to home school their children when they live too far from regular school and have no options for transporting their child every day to school.
Quality of education that their child receives in public school does not necessarily satisfy all parents. Some of them think that their child would benefit from home schooling in a way that they will get much better education and as a result of it, better chances in life.
In some of these cases of home schooling, parents cannot choose. If your child is ill or disabled or you live too far from regular school, you are obligated to give your child a proper education and enable him/her for the future. As you do not have a choice, you must adjust to your new role. Even if you think now that you are not meant to be the teacher, you will see that it is not that hard when you start. For every area where you do not feel comfortable teaching your child, you can hire someone else. For parents who can send their child to regular school but decide to do it at home, it is easier because it is their desire and they are mentally prepared.
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