Is Home Schooling For You? Reasons Why Parents Home School

Think back to a time when you experienced emotional pain or unresolved anger while at school as a youngster. As you look back do you wonder if your parents should have home schooled you? There are many reasons parents home school their children. This article will discuss some of the reasons children are home schooled.

Parents who teach their children at home tend to fall into two main categories:

1. Those who prefer to home school their children.
2. Those who want an alternative to the existing school system.

Those who prefer to home school their children.

o Some parents prefer to home school their kids to provide their children with a
different style of education.
o Other parents after having been involved with their children's education at preschool find they have the confidence to continue with the educating of their children at home.
o Some parents' alternative values believe their child's learning and development would be better supported through home schooling.

Those who want an alternative to the existing school system.

Parents in this category will educate their children at home for a number of reasons.

o Children may have health issues or special needs.
o Bullying of their children , a serious problem in our schools, will drive some parents to home school their kids.
o There are children with different learning styles who parents feel would gain more from being taught at home.
o Parents with children possessing special talents or gifted abilities will see homeschooling as the better of two options.
o Unfortunately in our existing system of education some students have for one of more reasons not been able to fit in or conform to the way of life offered in a school setting. In many cases some of these students have been suspended or expelled from the school. The parents have seen no other option but to begin home schooling.

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